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18 April 2020 Tablets & Capsules I N D U S T R Y a p p l i c a t i o n Versatile drum coater helps Metrics secure rush project tablet," said Troy Woelfel, Met- rics' vice president of operations and general manager. The client requested a 16-week turnaround for the project, but the product's batch size was too small to be coated in the production equipment currently installed at the plant. Planned for flexibility When the plant was built, the company had installed a Flex 500 production-scale tablet coater to handle its commercial tablet-coating projects. The versatile coater from Thomas Engineering, a coating equipment supplier based in Hoff- man Estates, IL, handles aqueous and solvent coatings and supports film, sugar, functional, and drug-layering coating processes. One of the coater's most appeal- ing features was its ability to accept Metrics Contract Services is the contract development and manufac- turing (CDMO) division of Mayne Pharma. In 2018, the CDMO opened a new 126,000-square-foot solid dos- age manufacturing plant at its Green- ville, NC, location. The company designed and built the facility to meet or exceed the standards of all major regulatory authorities and provide comprehensive services from con- cept to commercialization at a single FDA-registered site. The facility has multiple flexible production suites, including com- mercial-scale, solvent-capable, fluid- bed processing and film coating capacity. Specifically designed for containment, the plant can readily manage commercial- scale manufac- turing of potent compounds and is engineered to meet stringent man- ufacturing demands for mitigat- ing cross contamination. Features include segregated product cor- ridors, 100 percent HEPA-in and HEPA-out filtered air, and dedicated quality- control laboratories. Despite all of the facility's state- of-the-art equipment, a new cus- tomer recently contacted Metrics with a rush project that required a nimble adjustment to the plant's tab- let coating capabilities. "The client was completing reg- istration batches for a film-coated Photo 1: Changing the coating drum using an interlocked trolley docked to the front of the machine takes just 15 minutes and requires no special tools.