Tablets & Capsules


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32H April 2020 Tablets & Capsules eral-, and clinical-nutrition markets. The acquisition strengthens Ker- ry's capabilities in the hydrolyzed plant protein space for specialized nutrition and expands the compa- ny's capacity to ser ve the rapidly growing, high-quality, organic plant protein market. Omega 3 market to grow 11 percent annually through 2027 ALBANY, NY—The global omega 3 ingredients market is predicted to grow at a compound annual rate of 11 percent through 2027, according to a report by Transparency Market Research. A growing consumer desire to improve immunity and overall wellbeing as well as new studies sup- porting the benefits of fatty acids are driving market demand. The report identifies Marine Ingredients, Omega Protein, Copeinca, Cargill, GC Rie- ber Oils, Polaris Nutritional Lipids, Croda International, Luhua Bioma- rine, DSM, Denomega Nutritional Oils, and Nu-Mega Ingredients as key market players. Increasing incidence of birth defects to grow demand for prenatal vitamins ALBANY, NY—The growing number of cases of birth defects as well as development and increasing awareness in the healthcare sector is expected to drive growth in the pre- natal vitamin supplements market, according to a report by Transpar- ency Market Research. The report forecasts that the global prena- tal vitamin supplement market will grow at a compound annual rate of 7.7 percent through 2024 and reach $56.10 billion. Capsules remain the preferred dosage form for prenatal vitamins and are predicted to con- tinue to dominate the market. Nota- ble suppliers of prenatal vitamins include Twinlab, Country Life, New Chapter, Rainbow Light, and Church & Dwight. health concerns and travel restric- tions related to the novel corona- virus. All existing registrations and commitments will remain in place for the postponed show. For more infor- mation, visit Kerry acquires Pevesa NAAS, Ireland—Kerry acquired Pevesa Biotech, Seville, Spain, a pro- vider of non-allergenic, non-GMO plant proteins for the infant-, gen- nutra news Vitafoods Europe postponed GENEVA, Switzerland—Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Vitafoods Europe has been post- poned and will take place at Pal- expo in Geneva on September 1-3. This decision reflects the ongoing

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