40 April 2020 Tablets & Capsules
ducted by USP (www.usp.org, 301
881 0666).
Foundations of Pneumatic Convey-
ing. June 2-3 in Salina, KS. Conducted
by Kansas State University (www.
bulk-solids.k-state.edu, 855 552 0079).
Documentation Simplification. June
3 in Watford, UK. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 734 769 8010).
Pharmaceutical Production Batch
Record Review. June 8-9 in Boston,
MA. Conducted by Center for Profes-
sional Innovation & Education (www.
cfpie.com, 610 648 7550).
Process Validation for Drugs and
Biologics. June 8-9 in Boston, MA.
Conducted by Center for Professional
Innovation & Education (www.cfpie.
com, 610 648 7550).
Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing.
June 8-10 in Boston, MA. Conducted by
Compliance Online. (www.compliance
online.com, 888 717 2436).
Basic GMP Training for the QC Lab-
oratory. June 10-11 in Boston, MA.
Conducted by Center for Professional
Innovation & Education (www.cfpie.
com, 610 648 7550).
Hands-on Tablet Press Operation
with Certification. June 11 in Hol-
brook, NY. Conducted by Natoli
Service Center (natoli.com, 636 926
DIA Global Annual Meeting. June
14-18 in Washington, DC. Conducted
by Drug Information Association
(www.diaglobal.org, 215 442 6100).
Advanced Pneumatic Conveying.
June 16-18 in Salina, KS. Conducted
by Kansas State University (www.
bulk-solids.k-state.edu, 855 552 0079).
Fluidized-Bed Processing for Gran-
ulation & Coating. June 16-18 in
Weimar, Germany. Conducted by
Technology Training Center (www.
ttc-binzen.de, +49 7621 664 308).
Solid Dose Manufacturing and
Troubleshooting. June 16-18 in
Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Tech-
ceuticals (www.techceuticals.com,
216 658 8038).
At the time of publication, the
following conferences and semi-
nars may be canceled or postponed
due to the developing COVID-19
pandemic. Please check an event's
website for the most up-to-date
The Risk-Based Approach to Phar-
macovigilance Audits - A Practical
Approach to Design and Implementa-
tion. April 20-21 in San Francisco, CA.
Conducted by Compliance Online
(www.complianceonline.com, 888 717
Tablet and Capsule Performance
Webinar. April 23. Online. Con-
ducted by Techceuticals (www.tech
ceuticals.com, 216 658 8038).
Tablet and Capsule Performance
Webinar. April 30. Online. Con-
ducted by Techceuticals (www.tech
ceuticals.com, 216 658 8038).
Effective Document Management for
Pharma, Biotech & Medical Device.
May 4-5 in Boston, MA. Conducted
by Center for Professional Innovation
& Education (www.cfpie.com, 610 648
Introduction to Medical Combination
Products. May 6-8 in Los Angeles,
CA. Conducted by Center for Profes-
sional Innovation & Education (www.
cfpie.com, 610 648 7550).
Cleaning, Inspection, & Maintenance.
May 7 in Holbrook, NY. Conducted
by Natoli Service Center (natoli.com,
636 926 8900).
Lyophilization Technology-Applica-
tion of Scientific Principles. May 7-8
in Malvern, PA. Conducted by Center
for Professional Innovation & Educa-
tion (www.cfpie.com, 610 648 7550).
Tablet and Capsule Performance
Webinar. May 7. Online. Conducted
by Techceuticals (www.techceuticals.
com, 216 658 8038).
Access! 2020: AAM Annual Meeting.
May 11-13 in Washington, DC. Con-
ducted by the Association for Acces-
sible Medicines (accessiblemeds.org/
events/Access2020, 202 249 7100).
Discover the Secrets to Efficient Tab-
let Design. May 12. Online. Presented
by Tablets & Capsules. Conducted by
Natoli Engineering. For more informa-
tion and to register, please visit tablets
Solid Dose Manufacturing and Trou-
bleshooting. May 12-14 in Cleve-
land, OH. Conducted by Techceuti-
cals (www.techceuticals.com, 216 658
Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing.
May 12-15 in London, UK. Conducted
by Pharma Training with Michael
Gamlen (www.pharma- training-
courses.com, +44 20 8133 2605).
Cannabis Tablets: Common Issues,
Tips, and Solutions. May 13-14 in
Cypress, CA. Conducted by Natoli
Service Center (natoli.com, 636 926
Comprehensive Overview of FDA
Regulatory Compliance for Drug and
Biotech Products. May 18-19 in Los
Angeles. Conducted by Center for
Professional Innovation & Education
(www.cfpie.com, 610 648 7550).
Good Manufacturing Practices Train-
ing GMP Course. May 18-20 in Bos-
ton, MA. Conducted by Center for
Professional Innovation & Education
(www.cfpie.com, 610 648 7550).
Preparation of FDA Submissions and
Communicating with the FDA. May
18-19 in Malvern, PA. Conducted by
Center for Professional Innovation &
Education (www.cfpie.com, 610 648
QbD and Lifecycle Management of
Analytical Methods. May 21-22 in
London, UK. Conducted by Pharma
Training with Michael Gamlen (www.
pharma-training-courses.com, +44 20
8133 2605).
R&D Series. May 26-27 in Berlin, Ger-
many. Conducted by Oxford Global
+44 1865 248 455).
Virtual Dietary Supplements Stake-
holder Forum. May 28, Online. Con-