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"It is all about Christ" Father Ion Coman St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Carmel A Picturesque Pilgrimage Randy Tunnell Photogr aphs Local Faith Leader s B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D F or more than 40 years, photographer Randy Tunnell has been a respected member of the Monterey Peninsula publishing and advertising community. His beautifully crafted images have appeared in virtually every Carmel-area publication and his more anonymous commercial work is viewed by thousands every day. In December of 2018, Tunnell embarked on a project to photograph as many Monterey County faith leaders as possible. "I don't do a lot of self-initiated projects," he says. "I enjoy photographing people the most. For many years, I've photographed politicians, chefs and other people in the limelight. Faith leaders are not that celebrated, and they do a lot of good work in their communities." The result is "Facing Faith," a collection of portraits representing a cross-section of religious faiths. It became a project of personal discovery for the photographer. "I'm essentially a non-believer," he says. "But the journey I took meeting these peo- ple and photographing them impacted me in a personal and emotional way—not a change in my belief system, but a greater appreciation for the human condition. I believe this has impacted me in some way, primarily in an appreciation for the power and personality of these individuals and the many people that depend on them." Tunnell asked each subject one question: "Which of the basic tenets of your faith resonates the most for you personally?" Their answers accompany each photograph. C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 101