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138 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ 15TH Annual Champions of the Arts Gala Cate Goblirsch Lee, Jimmy Panetta Photos by Kelli Uldall T he Ar ts Council for Monterey County held their annual gala at the Por tola Hotel & Spa to honor Greg Hawthorne, John Nash, Jaqui Hope, Janene Norum, Sherree Anderson and Rancho Cielo Youth Campus for their contributions to the ar ts in Monterey County. Over 350 guests were enter tained by the Monterey Peninsula Community Gospel Choir, Latin Jazz Collective and Marina Youth Ar ts. Brad Mallory, Jacqueline Kabat, Paul Richmond Domini Anne, Beth Peerless Karen Curtis, Susie Brusa, Judy Williamson Jonathon Lupisan, Amanda Trujillo, Jose Moran Les & Judy Willis Sarah & Taylor Hawthorne, Scott & Beth von Fischer Bill Breen, Jennifer & Ken Balestrieri Susan & Greg Hawthorne, Patty & Victor Simone Alyson & John Kudla Ruthie Watts, John Nash Jr. David & Janene Norum Carole Rein, Walter Davis Sherree & Richard Anderson Dianna Addeman, Jacquie Atchison Sigrid Stokes, Karlette Anderson, Latrice Buggs, Jennie Howze, Debbie Goodwin Photos: Randy Tunnell