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142 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ Congregation Beth Israel's Roast and Toast Jimmy Panetta, Rich Gerber, Laurie Kleinman Photos by Kelli Uldall C BI celebrated Rabbi Bruce and Susan Greenbaum's 25 years in our community. Quail Lodge & Golf Club was packed with those who came to enjoy cocktails, dinner, a silent auction, and a fun Roasting and Toasting. After thanking event chair Malina Breaux, MC Lewis Leader intro- duced numerous roaster/toasters including Leon Panetta, Congressman Jimmy Panetta, Mary Adams, and many religious and community leaders. Mary Adams, Abdel & Seyna Seck Marshal & Angelica Blatt, Joanne & Roger Shiffman Galena & Alex Bordetsky, Abby King, Julie Chase Malina Breaux, Dan Nessbaum, Bee Epstein Shephard Wendy & Andrew Schmidt, Jill & Jim Sleeper Sandy & Lewis Leader, Samara Leader Anita Silver, Leslie Pressman, Sharon Neumann Solow, Larry Solow Liz Heff, Kimball Hurd, Alisa Fineman, Jill Martin Richard & Carol Ader Sylvia & Leon Panetta Rob & Megan Felthoven Ann & Steve Packer Ilana & Ari Entin Dennis Niekro, Paul Richmond Bruce, Susan, Diana, and Shira Greenbaum Photos: Kelli Uldall