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BEST OF THE CARMEL POLICE LOG… Case of squirrel in house: An officer provided assistance with a squirrel in a residence. The animal was released, and information for securing a residence was discussed. SHORTCUTS CARMEL CONFIDENTIAL Congressman Jimmy Panetta Supports Western Monarch Butterfly Habitat T he 2020 Forbes Travel Guide awarded four stars to L'Auberge Carmel, Bernardus Lodge & Spa, Casa Palmero, the Inn at Spanish Bay, the Lodge at Pebble Beach, the Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa, and Post Ranch Inn, and included Tradewinds Carmel on its Recommended List. The city of Monterey also made Forbes' list of the top 20 destinations for 2020, with special attention given to the city's 250th anniversary and "Big Little Lies" sites. Monterey Peninsula Recognized by Forbes Travel Guide C ongressman Jimmy Panetta, together with several bipartisan colleagues, has introduced legislation to protect western monarch butterfly habitat. The Carmel Valley Democrat announced the Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat (MONARCH) Act at the Pacific Grove Butterfly Sanctuary in February. Western monarch butterfly populations have dropped by 99 percent since the 1980s. The pollinator plays a crucial role in healthy ecosystems and agriculture. "My district on the Central Coast of California is home to four of the top 10 high-prior- ity overwintering sites for west- ern monarch butterflies. Sadly, as climate change continues to degrade their habitat, we have seen a huge decline in the num- ber of monarchs on the Central Coast and along their migratory path," said a statement from Rep. Panetta. "The MONARCH Act will provide critical feder- al investment in the activities needed to save the western monarch butterfly population from extinction. By actively restoring and protecting key monarch habitats, we can also help facilitate the conservation of other essential pollinators." The MONARCH Act would 50 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 Climate change is reducing habitat for monarch butterflies, says Congressman Jimmy Panetta. Photo: Kelli Uldall