Carmel Magazine

Spring/Summer 2020

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 63 PlantingthetraditionsofinCarmel SESONL MENUS • SLOW-COOKED METS • FRESH PST • LOCL PRODUCE B E T H V A N H O E S E N Box 6016 7th and San Carlos Carmel, Ca 93921 • (831) 624-0346 Black Bear Lithograph 15"x13" 2 W hen considering if an ownership is right for you, it pays to crunch the numbers and time constraints. Catalina Air Harbor, Inc. does not require substantial cash up front (usually under $10,000), and the quality of service is equal to or better than any charter service available in the region. Customers choose the right pilot for themselves via a list that we provide or tailored to their needs. Owners can operate and control schedules. Catalina Air Harbor maintains and provides assistance, as de- sired. We take pride in pro- viding the safety and service you expect. 404-353-8165 Considering Aircraft Fractional Programs or Purchase?

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