
R&T_US_Branded FlipBook

Partner with Proforma with Personal Protection & Safety Equipment

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5 When time permits, let's schedule a phone/video chat to discuss how, together, we can help you, your customers and your employees 'Rise and Thrive'. Long Charging Cable LE-503 Headphones IM-506 Journal SC-502 Phone Grip & Stand HT-505 Webcam LE-502 Slim Power Bank KT-501 2 4 6 1 3 R ise and Thrive W I T H C O M M U N I C A T I O N S E S S E N T I A L S ! Staying in contact with customers, business associates, colleagues, family and friends is high on everyone's priority list. Give them all the tools they need to stay in contact while maximizing efficiency and clarity. These Communications essentials will help your network stay connected and motivated so they can rise and thrive every day. 100 $6.92 200 $6.63 400 $6.37 700 $6.08 900-1499 $5.48 10 $55.24 20 $52.61 40 $50.10 60 $47.72 80 $45.45 100 $10.15 300 $9.82 500 $9.48 500 $1.51 1000 $1.31 2500 $1.14 5000 $0.99 5 $125.98 10 $120.98 20 $115.98 35 $110.98 60-99 $99.98 100 $5.50 250 $5.25 500 $5.00 1000 $4.75 1500 $4.50 1 2 3 4 5 6

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