Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce

September 2020

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VOLUME 42 I NUMBER 4 I APRIL 2018 VOLUME 44 I NUMBER 9 I SEPTEMBER 2020 The Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce was thrilled to host their 50th Annual Golf Outing on August 3rd. With beautiful weather, 26 teams were able to play through the course at the Marietta Country Club. Thanks to the 36 businesses who sponsored the event, the Chamber was able to continue this yearly tradition. Consid- erations for COVID included sanitizing stations, staggered tee times and replacing the banquet with Marietta Bucks given to each team to have a meal at a local restaurant. Congratulations to Mallet Rentals (pictured be- low) for coming in first place. The Full & Hupp CPA's team (not pictured) came in second and chose to do- nate their winnings back to the Chamber. Glenwood Community came in 15th and Settlers Bank came in 16th, both teams are pictured below. The Chamber is very grateful to have hosted this event and for the many Chamber members who participated in teams, sponsored the event and volunteered to work it. None of this would be possible without our fantastic members! Pictured above: Mallett Rentals Team Tony O'Linn, Cameron Fouss, Matt Mallett, and Eric Mallett Pictured below: Glenwood Community Team Will Clark, Tyson Whistler, Linda Dailey & KD Arnett Pictured below: Settlers Bank Team Donn Schafer, Bob Chase, Tina Adams, Kirk Schultheis

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