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Maricopa Community Colleges (MCCCD) 2020-2021 Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Degree and General Education Requirements Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Governing Board Approval, March 24, 2020 Description The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree requires at least 60 credits in its program of study. The exact number of credits for a specific degree is identified as part of the presentation of its requirements on the web or in the college catalog. Purpose of the Degree The Maricopa County Community College District Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree is recommended for students who wish to gain a depth of technical expertise in a particular workforce-related area of study. The AAS degree options vary at the different MCCCD colleges and can be searched alphabetically or by field of interest . Requirements for each degree can be found on the linked webpages and in the corresponding college(s)'s catalog. Academic Policies that Govern the AAS degree: * Requires 60 or more credits numbered 100 or above and includes credits or the equivalent in the General Education Core areas and credits in the Distribution areas. AAS degree requirements follow with the use of a diagonal character (/) between course numbers to signify options. An asterisk (*) following the course number defines requirements with an effective begin term of spring; * All courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher; any additional requirements such as grades of B or higher or minimum grade point average requirements are listed on individual degrees and certificates; * Follows the graduation policies within the general catalog; * Includes both courses and their modular equivalents, either the course or the modular equivalents will satisfy the Associate in Applied Science requirements. * Requires at least 12 semester credit hours earned at the college awarding the AAS degree. The 12 hours in the AAS degree curricula may be in the Required Courses area and/or Restricted Electives courses. Courses from the General Education Core and Distribution area are excluded. Shared Programs are programs offered at multiple colleges but not available at all colleges. The requirements are identical at all the colleges offering the program. A shared program requires a minimum of six credit hours from the total program requirements to be completed with a grade of "C" or better at the college awarding the certificate or degree (The exception is the Nursing program. Students must apply for graduation from the college where they have successfully completed Block 4 of the Associate in Applied Science in Nursing). The minimum of six credit hours in the degree curricula may be in the Required Courses area and/or the Restricted Electives. Courses from the General Education Core and Distribution areas are excluded; * Requires completion of General Education courses as indicated in the General Education Requirements for the Associate in Applied Science degree from the Maricopa County Community College District, or completion of a curriculum as stated in the catalog; * Accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with other courses. 59