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Maricopa Community Colleges (MCCCD) 2020-2021 Associate in Business, General Requirements (ABUS-GR) Degree 1 *FYC may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full. Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Governing Board Approval, March 24, 2020 Description The Maricopa County Community College District Associate in Business General Requirements (ABUS-GR) degree requires a minimum of 62 semester credits for the program of study. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 and grades of "C" or higher are required to earn the degree. The Associate in Business-General Requirements degree is governed by the MCCCD General Academic Policies for Transfer Degrees. This degree provides the first two years of a four-year curriculum for students who wish to specialize in business. For a comprehensive list of bachelor's degrees at Arizona's public universities, refer to the AZTransfer Business Matrix. With a bachelor's degree, students may pursue a number of careers, including but not limited to accountancy, business administration, business data analytics, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, management, retail management, and supply chain management. The Associate in Business-General Requirements degree includes the following components: I. Required Courses II. Restricted Electives III. Arizona General Education Curriculum for Business (AGEC-B) IV. General Electives (if needed to reach minimum credits for degree) Purpose of the Degree The Associate in Business General Requirements (ABUS-GR) degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. In general, the components of this degree meet requirements for the various business majors (except Computer Information Systems) at Arizona's public universities. Computer Information Systems majors should follow the Associate in Business Special Requirements (ABUS-SR) pathway instead. Generally, the degree transfers as a block without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities and other institutions with district-wide articulation agreements. Special Academic Policies that Govern the ABUS-GR Degree • The ABUS-GR does not include any MCCCD Special Requirements for Oral Communication and/or Critical Reading like the other Associate degrees. (However, some university programs have a speech requirement; consult your academic advisor or transfer guide to verify the specifics for your program.) • A single course can be used to satisfy multiple areas within the degree simultaneously simultaneously (AGEC-B Core Area and/or Awareness Area(s), Required Courses (Common Lower Division Requirements), and/or Restricted Electives (Business Electives)). Credits are counted once toward the total for the degree. Degree Requirements The 62-72 semester credits required for the Associate in Business General Requirements follow. The following websites identify the courses that apply to the different General Education Core and Awareness Areas: AGEC-B and the AGEC Matrix. Courses available for both Areas during a current or upcoming semester can also be found using the "Find A Class" tool on each MCCCD college's website. Requirements Credits I. Required Courses..................................................................................................................... Accounting.............................................................................................................................. ACC111 Accounting Principles AND ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I AND ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II OR ACC211 Financial Accounting AND ACC212 Managerial Accounting OR 21-25 (6-9) 62