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Maricopa Community Colleges (MCCCD) 2020-2021 Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) – A, B, S *FYC may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full. Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Governing Board Approval, March 24, 2020 PHY115 or PHY121 University Physics I AND PHY116 or PHY131 University Physics II OR BIO181 or BIO181XT General Biology (Majors) I AND BIO182 or BIO182XT General Biology (Majors) II 7. Subject Options - Math/Science.................................................................................. Refer to transfer resources, including academic advisement and transfer guides, to select six (6)-ten (10) additional math and/or science credits that meet requirements for selected major. Select Mathematics course(s) [MAT] above Calculus I and/or Computer Science course(s) [CSC] and/or Science courses from the following disciplines: Astronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Engineering, Environmental Science, Geology, Physical Geography, Physics, Zoology (MCCCD prefixes AST, BIO (except BIO174), CHM, ECE, EEE, ENV, GLG, GPH, and/or PHY) B. Awareness Areas................................................................................................................. Some courses may be used to satisfy both a Core Area and one or more Awareness Area(s). (See AGEC matrix for current course values.) 1. Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]................................................... 2. Global Awareness [G] OR Historical Awareness [H]................................... 6-10 0-6 (0-3) (0-3) AGEC Area Requirements Descriptions/Definitions CORE AREAS First-Year Composition (FYC) First-Year Composition courses emphasize skills necessary for college-level expository writing, including correct grammar and punctuation, logical organization of ideas, and identification of supporting documentation. Literacy and Critical Inquiry [L] In the [L] course students, typically at the sophomore level, gather, interpret, and evaluate evidence and express their findings in writing or speech. This course includes a series of graded written or spoken formal assignments. Literacy is defined broadly as communicative competence in written and oral discourse; critical inquiry is defined as the gathering, interpreting, and evaluating of evidence. Building on the proficiency attained in traditional First-Year Composition courses, the Literacy and Critical Inquiry [L] requirement sustains and extends students' ability to thoughtfully use and critically analyze written and/or spoken language. Mathematical Applications [MA] The Mathematical Studies requirement is intended to ensure that students have requisite skill in mathematics appropriate for their discipline and can apply mathematical analysis in their chosen fields. Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications [CS] AGEC-A and AGEC-B require a course that emphasizes the use of statistics, other mathematical methods, computer programming languages and/or software in the interpretation of data and in describing and analyzing quantitative relationships. 75