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Maricopa Community Colleges (MCCCD) 2020-2021 Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) – A, B, S *FYC may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full. Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Governing Board Approval, March 24, 2020 Humanities, Arts and Design [HU] The study of the humanities and the disciplines of art and design deepen awareness of the complexities of the human condition and its diverse histories and cultures. Courses in the humanities are devoted to the production of human thought and imagination, particularly in philosophical, historical, religious and artistic traditions. Courses with an emphasis in fine arts and design are devoted to the study of aesthetic experiences and the processes of artistic creation. They may also feature a design emphasis in which material culture is studied as a product of human thought and imagination. Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB] The Social-Behavioral Sciences Core area provides scientific methods of inquiry and empirical knowledge about human behavior, both within society and within individuals. This area of emphasis in general education curriculum may include study of such disciplines as anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, or sociology. The courses in this area address the challenge of understanding the diverse natures of individuals and cultural groups who live together in a complex and evolving world. Natural Sciences [SQ/SG] In addition to an understanding of basic scientific principles and concepts, courses in the Natural Sciences Core area are designed to help students appreciate, from firsthand laboratory and/or field research experience, the nature of science as a process that embraces curiosity, inquiry, testing, and communication to better understand natural phenomena At least one of the two natural science courses must include an introduction to the fundamental behavior of matter and energy in physical or biological systems. AWARENESS AREAS Students must satisfy two Awareness areas: Cultural Diversity in U.S. and either Global Awareness or Historical Awareness. Courses can satisfy a Core area and one or two Awareness areas simultaneously. Therefore, no additional semester credits are required to satisfy the two Awareness areas. Cultural Diversity in the United States [C] The contemporary "culture" of the United States involves the complex interplay of many different cultures that exist side by side in various states of harmony and conflict. U.S. history involves the experiences not only of different groups of European immigrants and their descendants, but also of diverse groups of American Indians, Hispanic Americans, African Americans and Asian Americans--all of whom played significant roles in the development of contemporary culture and together shape the future of the United States. At the same time, the recognition that gender, class, and religious differences cut across all distinctions of race and ethnicity offers an even richer variety of perspectives from which to view one. Awareness of cultural diversity and its multiple sources can illuminate the collective past, present, and future and can help to foster greater mutual understanding and respect. The objective of the Cultural Diversity area requirement is to promote awareness of and appreciation for cultural diversity within the contemporary United States. This is accomplished through the study of the cultural, social, or scientific contributions of women and minority groups, examination of their experiences in the United States, or exploration of successful or unsuccessful interactions between and among cultural groups. Global Awareness [G] Human organizations and relationships have evolved from being family and village centered to the modern global interdependence that is apparent in many disciplines--for example, contemporary art, business, engineering, music, and the natural and social sciences. Many serious local and national problems are world issues that require solutions which exhibit mutuality and reciprocity. These problems occur in a wide variety of activities, such as food supply, ecology, health care delivery, language planning, information exchange, economic and social developments, law, technology transfer, and even philosophy and the arts. The Global Awareness Area recognizes the need for an understanding of the values, elements, and social processes of cultures other than the culture of the United States. The Global Awareness Area includes courses that recognize the nature of other contemporary cultures and the relationship of the American cultural system to generic human goals and welfare. Courses that satisfy the global awareness option in the requirements are of one or more of the following types: 76