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Maricopa Community Colleges (MCCCD) 2020-2021 Associate in General Studies (AGS) Degree and General Education Requirements *FYC may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full. Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Governing Board Approval, March 24, 2020 Description The Maricopa County Community College District Associate in General Studies degree requires 60-64 semester credits in courses numbered 100 and above. The degree includes the following components: I. General Education (minimum of 38 credits) Core curriculum (requires a grade of "C" or better) Distribution courses (requires a grade of "D" or better) II. General Electives (enough additional courses numbered 100 or above, passed with a grade of "D" or better, to bring total credits to at least 60) Purpose of the Degree The Associate in General Studies (AGS) degree is recommended for students whose educational goals require flexibility. The AGS allows students to apply any course numbered 100 or above, including some that are not transferable to a state university, toward the credits required for the degree. Therefore, for students who intend to transfer to another college or university in the future to pursue a bachelor's degree, this degree may be less appropriate than other Associate degrees offered (Associate in Arts, Associate in Business, Associate in Science, and all major-specific pathway map versions of these degrees) by the Maricopa Community Colleges. Academic Policies that Govern the Associate in General Studies Degree: • The graduation policies within the general catalog must be satisfied. • A single course can simultaneously count towards a Core Area and a Distribution requirement. Courses that meet this criterion are bold print and underscored in the Core areas and Distribution areas (on the course list at the conclusion of this document). For example, CRE101 may be used to satisfy both the Literacy and Critical Inquiry requirement [L] of Distribution area and the Core Curriculum's Critical Reading area. While multiple requirements can be met with a single course, the credits are only counted one time toward the required minimum for the degree. A course cannot satisfy more than one Core area, even if it is approved for more than one Core area. A course cannot satisfy more than one Distribution area, even if it is approved for more than one Distribution area. • Credits transferred from outside of MCCCD must be at a grade of "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better. Transfer credit graded pass/fail or pass/no credit may be transferred if documentation collected by the community college indicates that this was the only grading option available to the student and that the Pass grade ("P") is equivalent to a "C" or better. • Completion of the AGS with a minimum Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale for Arizona residents and 2.50 for non-residents meets Arizona public university general admission requirements. However, meeting all AGS minimums does not ensure admission to specific university majors or programs with selective admission processes and/or limited enrollment. Furthermore, because the AGS is not designed to align with the requirements for bachelors degrees, not all credits may be transferable and students may have deficiencies in lower division (100- and 200-level) courses for a particular major. Summary of Degree Requirements: Details on how to identify courses approved for each of the different categories is described following the outline. I. MCCCD General Education ........................................................................................... 34-47* Core Areas ............................................................................................................................ 12-18 1. First-Year Composition ............................................................................................... 6* ENG101 OR ENG107 AND ENG102 OR ENG108 2. Mathematics ................................................................................................................ 3-6 78