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Maricopa Community Colleges (MCCCD) 2020-2021 Associate in General Studies (AGS) Degree and General Education Requirements *FYC may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full. Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Governing Board Approval, March 24, 2020 3. Computer Usage ......................................................................................................... 1 4. Oral Communication .................................................................................................. 3 COM100 Introduction to Human Communication OR COM110 Interpersonal Communication OR COM225 Public Speaking OR COM230 Small Group Communication (3 credits) OR COM100AA & COM100AB & COM100AC (3 credits) OR COM110AA & COM110AB & COM110AC (3 credits) 5. Critical Reading .......................................................................................................... 0-3 Students may demonstrate proficiency through assessment. CRE101 Critical Reading OR equivalent as indicated by assessment Distribution Areas ................................................................................................................ 22-29 1. Humanities, Arts and Design ...................................................................................... 9 Students are encouraged to choose course work from more than one discipline. 2. Social-Behavioral Sciences ......................................................................................... 6-9 Students are encouraged to choose course work from more than one discipline. Social-Behavioral Sciences requirements may be met with 6 credits only if COM100, COM110, or COM230 is shared between Core and Distribution (see Academic Policies section on prior page). The credits are only counted once, but may be applied to meet Oral Communication and Social-Behavioral Science requirements. 3. Natural Sciences .......................................................................................................... 7-8 Two lecture courses and one corresponding laboratory course are to be selected. Credits for lecture and lab components may be combined or each may carry separate credit. For appropriate course selection students should consult with an academic advisor. 4. Literacy and Critical Inquiry ... .................................................................................... 0-3 Literacy requirement may be met with 0 credits only if CRE101 or COM225 is shared between Core and Distribution (see Academic Policies section on prior page). The credits are only counted once, but may be applied to meet [Oral Communication and Literacy] or [Critical Reading and Literacy and Critical Inquiry] requirements. II. General Electives ...............................................................................................................13-26 Select additional courses 100-level or higher to complete a minimum of 60 semester credits but no more than a total of 64 semester credits. Associate in General Studies Total Credits: ...........................................................................60-64 79