Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce

October 2020

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VOLUME 42 I NUMBER 4 I APRIL 2018 VOLUME 44 I NUMBER 10 I OCTOBER 2020 Holiday Opportunities with the Chamber The holidays are an exciting and busy time in the Marietta Area. As you are dusting off your decora- tions and untangling your lights, don't forget to take full advantage of what the Chamber has to offer this holiday season! Consider participating in our annual Holiday Digital Mailer. This mailer is sent out to over 1,000 people in the area and to top it all off, we send it out two times during the holiday season! The flyer is completely digital, so no extra printing costs for you! Your flyer can include coupons, deals for your business, videos and links to any website or social media page that you choose! Get your advertisements in front of more customers this year and sign up for the Holiday Digital Mailer. Contact or call 740-373- 5176 to reserve your spot as spaces are limited. Cost: $150 Deadline: Friday, November 13th Partnering with Marietta Main Street and the Marietta-Washington County Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to roll out the details for this year's Small Busi- ness Saturday. This nationwide movement is one of the most promi- nent days in Downtown Marietta. Even through these unprecedented times, we are still planning on keeping the tradition and having a fun- filled, safe, and healthy day of shopping small. In light of COVID-19, any events will follow local government health and safety guidelines. The health and safety of Marietta's consumers and businesses are our priority. Show your support for your community and #ShopSmall this year on November 28th. Follow our Facebook page for updates re- garding Small Business Saturday.

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