Retail Observer

November 2020

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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Page 14 of 67

Alta 4 Series - ALT436SS Tenaya 2 Series - TEN230SS Simplified Product Lineup • Dealer Exclusive Under Cabinet Range Hoods • Certified Packaging Learn more by contacting your Broan representative We're taking a fresh approach to your business: The BEST ® iQ Blower System ™ Up to 2X quieter and 22x more efficient than competitive blowers. Up to 30% faster than the competition at removing smoke and odors because of BEST's advanced calibration technology that allows the blower to adjust to homes' unique duct runs. Included CRT technology allows the installer to set the maximum blower speed to achieve the right level of performance offering another solution to address local codes or make-up air requirements. 5 2 LIMITED WARR ANTY YEARS ON PARTS YEARS ON LABOR / Learn more at CC34IQ63SB

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