Retail Observer

December 2020

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM DECEMBER 2020 28 R I S I N G S T A R S N K B A ' S T H I R T Y U N D E R 3 0 THE NKBA NAMES ITS THIRTY UNDER 30 CLASS OF 2021 Honorees include manufacturers, designers and showroom specialists T H E N A T I O N A L K I T C H E N & B A T H A S S O C I A T I O N ( N K B A ) H A S R E V E A L E D T H E I N D U C T E E S I N T O I T S T H I R T Y U N D E R 3 0 C L A S S O F 2 0 2 1 . T H E P R O G R A M , N O W I N I T S N I N T H Y E A R , R E C O G N I Z E S T A L E N T E D K I T C H E N A N D B A T H P R O F E S S I O N A L S U N D E R T H E A G E O F 3 0 . • DANIELLE STEELE Marks-Woods Construction Service, Baltimore/Washington • EMILY TOWNSEND-HINSKE MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc., Northern Michigan • HADEN FESENMEYER Don's Custom Countertops, Rocky Mountain • JASMINE GALLE Social Soul Studio • JEANNIFER ELLINGTON H2 Builders, GA/SC Coastal • ABIGALE LATHAM Beyond Interior Design, Texas North Plains • ALEXANDRIA HUBBARD Case Design Remodeling, Baltimore/Washington • ANDREW RISINGER, CMKBD Kitchen, Bath & Home, formerly The Cabinet Concierge, Texas North Plains • CHLOE BAKER Kre8 Developments Inc., Prairie Provinces • CHRISTOPHER BROWN Majestic Stone Imports, Indiana State E ach year's class comprises rising leaders in the industry, and the program is widely regarded as the go-to for the brightest young stars working in kitchen and bath design and remodeling. Nominees were evaluated on their career or educational achievements, commitment to excellence in the kitchen and bath industry and leadership within their organization. "We are proud to celebrate this year's selection of rising stars in the kitchen and bath industry," said Bill Darcy, NKBA chief executive officer. "The association is inspired by what they have already accomplished, and we're happy to play a role in nurturing these outstanding young talents. We look forward to following their bright futures. " THE SELECTED CANDIDATES, ALONG WITH THEIR COMPANIES AND NKBA CHAPTER AFFILIATION WHERE APPLICABLE, INCLUDE:

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