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Providers who support development of inhalation pharmaceuticals Jolyon Mitchell Inhaler Consulting Services, Inc. 1154 St. Anthony Road London, Ontario N6H 2R1, Canada Tel. +1 519 472 5364 Contact: Jolyon Mitchell E-mail: Advice on laboratory testing of inhaled products for quality and providing more clinically-relevant data. Education in the form of webinars or site visits to train laboratory staff. New Directions Technology Consulting, LLC 1442 Drake Lane Lancaster, PA 17601, United States Tel. +1 718 427 3038 Contact: Napoleon Monroe E-mail: Website: Consulting to allow clients to profitably provide connected combination products including connected inhalers. Licenses to patents providing freedom to operate with connected combina- tion products. pharmAccel Consulting Kurze Gasse 2 78345 Moos, Germany Tel. +49 7732 258 2200 Contact: Rene Bommer E-mail: Website: pharm Accel Consulting specializes in devices, dispensing technology, technical and analytical service, in vitro BE studies, performance characterization for new drug and generic applica- tions (OINDPs) and regulatory documentation for submissions. P/L Biomedical 10882 Stonington Avenue Fort Myers, FL 33913, United States Tel. +1 239 244 1448 Contact: Lee Leichter E-mail: P/L Biomedical is recognized for providing up-to-date knowledge and experience to assist in critical areas related to development, registration and compliance of drug delivery combination products. Applied Particle Principles, LLC 17347 Westham Estates Court Hamilton, VA 20158, United States Tel. +1 612 845 3293 Contact: Daryl L. Roberts E-mail: Website: Method development for inhaled product testing, including semi-automatic equipment; market and business development strategy; patent review; hands-on IQ/OQ/PQ; training and staff development. Inspiring Strategies 109 Main Street Newtown, Linford, LE6 0AF, United Kingdom Tel. +44 1163 180567 Contact: John Pritchard E-mail: Website: An independent consultant with a global client base, spe- cializing in strategies for: device, formulation and clinical development programs that minimize time to market and sup- port key messages; digital health, including remote monitoring and medication adherence; and emissive uses of gases with global warming potential. James B. Fink 1525 Seneca Lane San Mateo, CA 94402, United States Contact: Jim Fink E-mail: An independent consultant serving the inhalation pharmaceuti- cal and biotech industries. JDP Pharma Consulting, LLC PO Box 1127 San Carlos, CA 94070, United States Tel. +1 650 534 4062 Contact: Jayne Hastedt E-mail: Website: JDP Pharma provides science-based CMC product development drug delivery consulting services in the areas of pulmonary (dry powder), transdermal, osmotic and ocular drug delivery technologies. Consultants 6 January 2021 Inhalation

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