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Tablets & Capsules January/February 2021 32E nutraceutical tableting Tablet press Compacta II tablet press features an interchangeable turret with 21 B stations, 17 D stations, or a combina- tion of eight B and eight D stations. Instrumented press works with the company's Director software to simplify development and increase production. Custom force sensors measure pre- and main compression as well as ejection and take-off forces, which can be used to resolve formu- lation issues. Press enables operator to generate compaction profiles and conduct strain rate studies, scope trace analysis studies (which provide details of an individual compression event), and lubrication studies. Top speed produces 151,200 tablets per hour, making the press suitable for pilot production runs. Changeover takes as little as 30 minutes. SMI, Lebanon, NJ 908 534 1500 Used equipment supplier Company works with manufacturers seeking to buy and sell used processing and packaging equipment, including tablet presses. For equipment suppliers with sur- plus equipment, asset management services include equipment appraisal, options to recoup value, cash liquidity, and fast removal of individual pieces or entire lines. Other offerings include on-hand inventory of equipment manufactured by OEMs, solid dosage training, and equipment troubleshooting. Federal Equipment, Cleveland, OH 216 271 3500

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