Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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28 | January - February 2021 | www . CONTAMINATION CONTROL & LUBRICANT RECONDITIONING Fixes like these are easy changes that can save you time and money without much effort. Another way of managing environmental conditions is to install rain or drip covers on equipment prone to heavy water contact. Redi- rect water flow if possible so it doesn't pile up on equipment. Heavy product buildup can cause heat, and we all know what heat can do to lubricants and to the machine itself. Performing constant machine inspections and operation walk-downs will help catch these problems. Step 5 – Oil Analysis Oil analysis can be a key indicator for lubricant contamination, if managed correctly. Having the proper training on how to collect samples, what sample location on equipment will give you the most representative sample, and how to install quick sample valves is important. Oil analysis can be very expensive depending on what test you would like performed and the volume of samples sent out for testing. Not to mention the cost it takes for someone to collect, label and send off all the samples. Making sure samples are collected in the most clean and consistent way every time is the only way to detect a true change with the oil inside equipment. When oil samples are not collected correctly, not only are you wasting money on the lab, but you might overreact and change the oil out immediately, wasting good oil. Always try to have the same person collect oil samples for consistency and cleanliness. is person should be a trained professional in oil analysis. Oil analysis result interpretation can be complicated and confusing. Without training on what to look for on oil analysis reports, a problem could slip by. If the oil sample was collected correctly, you should have a good reference point to refer to when determining how clean the oil was going into the equip- ment and where it is now as well as how many hours... and how many hours it has been in operation. Start building a trend and monitor it to make sure it doesn't go above the limits set initially. e results will determine if another sample should be pulled and sent off. If lab results come back and something is abnormal, always pull another sample to verify that a problem exists and it's not just a mistake. Make sure you monitor equipment conditions closely until verification results come back. Set strict standards and procedures for the way oil samples are collected, managed and interpreted for each piece of equipment. When I refer to oil analysis, not only am I referring to lab testing, but also to quick, in-house oil analysis testing. Installing easy- to-view sight glasses and BS&W bowls on equipment to utilize quick visual inspections is good way to catch possible lubricant contam- ination. is also allows you to take corrective action immediately. ere are many different in-house oil analysis testing instruments on the market. Tools like patch test kits, acid and water testing kits, viscosity testing tools and small particle counters are readily avail- able and relatively inexpensive. While the testing may not be as in-depth as you would receive with commercial lab testing, having this equipment will give you a quick in-house indication that a problem is occurring, and corrective action can be taken right away. Step 6 – Conditioning (Filtration) Use filtration to keep lubricants in oper- ating condition. Filter management is another aspect where, without training, you might be wasting time and money. As I mentioned before, machines have different clearances, and those clearances can give you a good indication of what size particle to target for each type of equipment you have. When you ask yourself, "Should I use a 4-micron filter or a 20-micron filter? What efficiency should the filter be?" ese kinds of questions all require training and research to answer properly. Otherwise, you will be shooting in the dark, just hoping to reach the cleanliness targets you set. Using oil analysis results to determine how dirty and dry the oil is and comparing it to cleanliness target levels set will determine the type and duration of filtration needed. Filtering oil allows you to keep the oil in equipment clean and dry within the contamination limits set. Modifying equipment with quick connects allows you to attach a portable or even dedicated filter whenever needed, giving you the upper hand for managing or removing contamination. Managing lubricant contamination can be accomplished with training and having dedicated teams involved. Focusing on these six areas will help you achieve the contamina- tion and reliability goals set for your facility. Controlling contamination is a slow process, especially in some industries. Sometimes it can even seem impossible. But start with the low-hanging fruit like clearing drains and fixing seal water leaks, adding protective covers, protecting equipment from contamina- tion and making sure all ports and hatches are sealed tight. Start with these simpler fixes and you'll be on your way to effectively managing lubricant contamination. ML About the Author David Dise is an to Asso- ciate Technical Consultant for Noria Corporation. He works closely with plant managers and reli- ability engineers to develop lubrication and reliability programs. His goal is to help plants become world class. David has been certified as a Level II Machine Lubricant Analyst and a Level I Machine Lubrication Technician by the International Council for Machinery Lubri- cation. Before joining Noria, he worked as a flowback operator at 1st Rate Energy Services, traveling to several different locations around the United States.