Redstone Federal Credit Union

Spring 2021 Newsletter

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Attention: Marketing 220 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, AL 35893 This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Apply inside online banking today! 800-234-1234 | 1 You will receive 10,000 MyChoice Rewards bonus points when you spend $3000. To qualify and receive the bonus MyChoice Rewards points, you must charge the qualifying amount or more in purchases (minus returns, credits and adjustments) within the first 90 days from account opening (promotional period), using your Redstone Visa Signature credit card. The bonus MyChoice Rewards points do not apply to balance transfers, credit card checks, or overdrafts. Your Redstone Visa Signature credit card must be open and in good standing at the time of bonus MyChoice Rewards points fulfillment. Allow 45 days after promotional period has ended for bonus MyChoice Rewards points to post to your account. 2 As of March 1, 2021, the annual percentage rates (APR) for variable rate products are as low as 8.00% – 11.50% (Visa Signature). Variable APRs will vary with the U.S. Prime Rate. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. RFCU is an Equal Credit Opportunity Lender. Must have online banking and PIN/password to access online application. EARN 10K BONUS POINTS when you spend $3,000 in the first 90 days 1 (A $150 Value!) No Annual Fee 2 | Competitive Rates | No Rewards Limits

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