Cannabis Patient Care - March/April 2021

Cannabis Patient Care - March/April 2021

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Page 4 of 34 march/april 2021 | cannabis patient care 5 contents c a n n a b i s patient c a r e ® | m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 2 1 | v o l 2 • n o 1 DEPA RTM ENTS 06 FROM THE EDITOR C annabis and Chronic Pain: A New Frontier? MEG AN L'HEUREUX on the cover: 25 ■ A DVOC AC Y FOCUS 29 Navigating Turbulent Seas: A Navy Veteran's Personal Story About Medical Marijuana DAVID HODE S Stanle y Atk in s I I t ur ned hi s p e rsonal jour ne y of seek ing medical cannabi s into advo cac y and p a s s ion for helping othe rs in hi s home state and b e yond . ■ C A REG I V ER FOCUS 32 The Path of a Chronic Pain Caregiver M ADELINE COLLI Je s s ica Mandile , a Vete ran s Af fairs careg ive r, share s he r e x p e r ie nce helping he r hu sb and u se medical cannabi s a s a t reat me nt for hi s chronic p ain . ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 08 Finding Your North Star: A Cannabis Alternative in Pain Management in Canada VIC TORIA DEK K ER D r. Julie Hildebrand , D r. Pete r Bleche r, and a medical cannabi s p at ie nt share the ir in s ight into medical cannabi s a s a t reat me nt for p ain manage me nt in Canada through the help of Weed M D and othe rs . ■ PATIENT FOCUS 14 Cannabis as the Go-To Therapeutic: One Family's Personal Journey of Discovery DAVID HODE S Bre ndan McKe r nan and hi s fathe r Richard found the ir way to medical cannabi s almost a s a la st re sor t , but the plant b ecame a t ur ning p oint in the ir live s and caree rs that led to the m dow n a ro ad to help othe rs . ■ NUR SE FOCUS 20 One Nurse's Battle with the Stigma Against Medical Cannabis Use and Chronic Pain M ADELINE COLLI E loi se T he i se n , a b o ard ce r t if ied Adult G e r iat r ic Nurse P ract it ione r who s p ec iali ze s in cannabi s the rapy, share s he r unique in s ight f rom helping p at ie nt s . ■ RE SE A RCH FOCUS 25 The Pain Dilemma: Cannabis Versus Medicine? ALIS S A M ARR AP ODI Ke v in Boehnke , Ph D, a re search inve st igator at the Chronic Pain In st it ute Re search Ce nte r in the ane sthe s iolog y de p ar t me nt at the Unive rs it y of Michigan , di sc u s se s hi s re search e f for t s to addre s s que st ion s s uch a s what health condit ion s are p at ie nt s u s ing cannabi s for, which dosage for mat s are the y u s ing, and doe s it help chronic p ain .

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