Retail Observer

May 2021

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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RETAILOBSERVER.COM MAY 2021 62 T here has never been a specific theme for the Most Professional Servicer Contest, other than the obvious importance of a good first impression. The theme this year could have been determination and resiliency. It was a bit challenging running the contest this year, to say the least. The pandemic has been the ongoing story creating havoc, and affecting our lives and businesses, including this event. This contest takes months of preparation and planning and there was a strong possibility the United Appliance Servicer's Association ASTI (Annual Service Training Institute) would be cancelled — unfortunately, it was. The Contest Committee had no idea if or how to proceed, or what it could look like if the contest went forward. Cancelling the contest was briefly discussed as it seemed the easiest option. There were so many unknowns at the time, such as what would the response be, how could we have a presentation, what would a virtual voting look like? Thanks to some incredibly determined people on the contest committee and our sponsors, the contest moved forward. Craig Reilly, of Plus One Solutions, has been a sponsor for several years now and said it best, "In these times, it would be a great thing to help keep people engaged!" while he pledged his support of time and resources to make it happen. UASA would like to thank all of the companies that entered for your participation, the judges for your time commitment, and all those that voted and participated in the event. Kudos to everyone in our industry that made this happen. We learned from this experience, as should we all. There was a virtual Happy Hour to introduce the Top 3 finalists in each category, which was very well received. The finalists sent in videos talking about their companies, which was the first time we had done this. These events were such a success, and we will do this annually. You can view these at most-professional-servicer-award/. Christina Kraker from Servicers Web was especially helpful putting together the videos and assisting in navigating the technology. A virtual awards presentation was held on March 18, 2021 by UASA. While it did not have the same hoopla and presence as a live celebration with close to a thousand people, nonetheless it was a very good event. Stan Kavensky of Airsled donated a top product this year to help us with the turn out. David Lange from S E R V I C E D E P A R T M E N T THE 2021 MOST PROFESSIONAL SERVICERS CONTEST WINNERS

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