BioPharm International - May 2021

BioPharm - Partnerships for Outsourcing - May 2021

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22 BioPharm International eBook May 2021 Ly n n ( R C A ): W h e w, a t o u g h s u bj e c t w it h a to u g h a n s w e r for some ma nu fac t u rers. T he reg u la- tors were hit by this pandemic just like the rest of us. They've had to adapt to remote work a nd needed to f igure out how best to discharge their publ ic hea lth mission, whi le c ont i nu i n g to prote c t t hei r mo s t v a lu able re sou rce s —t hei r p e ople , just like we have done in the private sector. This took time and a great deal of pr ior it i z at ion . T he r e g u l ator s h a v e l i m i t e d r e s o u r c e s a l r e a d y a nd w he n t he p a nd e m ic h it a nd g r o u n d e d e v e r y b o d y, t h e y w e r e forced to rethink what they did and where they did it. The manufactur- ers who produced products deemed critica l to public hea lth were f irst on the prioritization list. However, these f irms weren't getting routine sur veillance or pre-approval inspec- tions. If/when they were inspected, it was likely for a specif ic reason. For the other manufacturers wait- ing to get a new line, a new facility, or a new drug product (or substance) approved, they likely didn't receive an inspection. T he r isk s were too great. The same thing occurred on t he submission /rev iew side of t he spectr um. The rev iewers or asses- s o r s — d e p e n d i n g o n w h e r e y o u are in the world—also had limited capac it y or t he y were not able to get the answers from f irms because the f irm's personnel likely were not available. This unfortunately slowed things down. Adaptation to the new norm has sped things up, but they 're not as fast as they were in the pre-COV ID w o r l d . U l t i m a t e l y, I t h i n k t h i s pa ndemic has taught us in indus- t r y a fe w d i f ferent lessons. F i rst, it taught us the benef it of having a robust qua lit y management system a nd a wel l t hought out r isk ma n- agement plan. Second, I believe it taught us that patience is a virtue, whether we liked it or not. REFERENCE 1. J. Wechsler, "FDA Unveils Extensive Manufac turing Violations at Emergent," PharmTech. com, April 21, 2021. BP Partnerships for Outsourcing Quality/Regulations Call for Peer-Review Papers BioPharm International accepts four types of peer-review papers that are considered: standard data-driven, novel research; topical literature or patent review; technical case studies/technical application notes; and science-based opinion papers. Manuscripts for peer-review papers are accepted on an ongoing basis. Publication priority is given to papers in the order they are accepted for publication. Submitted papers are initially screened by the editors, then submitted for formal review by a member of the editorial advisory board, who will review the article for technical interest and content in a double-blind review process. Article acceptance is conditioned on the reviewer's approval. Once accepted for publication, a paper typically is published within three to five months. Peer-review papers are published in the print and digital editions of BioPharm International, and on Links to the online versions of peer-review papers also are featured in e-newsletters distributed to the publication's audience. To learn more about the peer-review submission process, click the Submission Guidelines link on "If the contract manufacturing relationship isn't collaborative, there likely will be problems." —Steven Lynn, Regulatory Compliance Associates BILLIONPHOTOS.COM - STOCK.ADOBE.COM

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