Retail Observer

June 2021

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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Page 14 of 67 Speed Queen by Alliance Laundry Systems @SpeedQueenHome FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS – A SOLUTION FOR PET HAIR We love our pets, but there's one thing we don't always love – their abundance of fur. Speed Queen ® now offers a one-of-a-kind solution: Pet Plus™ The DR7 now features specific cycles for all fami- ly members' items, because, let's face it, pets are family. With 67 percent of households owning pets* and 43 percent of pet owners claiming hair removal to be a key factor in identifying if an item is clean**, set cycles for pet items are a big deal. Learn more at Matthew Bakich, Product Business Partner Alliance Laundry Systems Pictured: Matthew Bakichs' rescue dogs from Hoping Fur A Home, Scout & Miles We're really proud of creating a solution that finally addresses the needs of our pet owners - the first of its kind in the industry. " " * 2019-2020 A PPA National Pet O wner s Sur vey * *Alliance L aundr y research sur vey

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