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Solid Dosage Sourcebook 2021 | 21 Freund-Vector Corporation 675 44th Street Marion, Iowa 52302 Process Solutions Made Simple The USA laboratory in Marion, Iowa, as well as in Villasanta, Italy, feature state-of-the-art processing equipment ranging from laboratory size to pilot scale with automated controls plus auxiliary equipment to perform feasibil- ity studies and product development. Coating Made Simple Freund-Vector offers a comprehensive line of tablet coating and fluid bed particle coating systems. Both coating lines are designed for max- imum processing flexibility with precision coating capabilities and interchangeable processing drums/inserts. Freund-Vector was the first to manufacture laboratory and pilot tablet coating systems with multiple interchangeable drums and now include production systems to provide maximum processing flexibility and efficiency within a single system. Spray Drying Made Simple Freund-Vector now offers an exciting new dimension in spray drying! We call it our VSD series. Taking proven fundamentals of spray drying science and combining it with our deep experience in pharma processing, we pro- mote equipment flexibility to deliver exactly the processes desired by our users. Particle design, process optimiza- tion, enhanced cleanability, better utilization and reliable scale up are all possible thanks to a unique combination of carefully engineered interchangeable components. Let chemistry drive your process…let the process define your equipment…let your equipment be a VSD spray dryer. TFC-220 Roll Compaction VSD-800 Spray Dryer LDCS PRO Tablet Coater