Tablets & Capsules


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Hudi PharmaX 26 | Solid Dosage Sourcebook 2021 Company profile Hudi PharmaX is the Italian machinery division of Hudi Pharma CMO & Packaging company. It was founded in Milan, Italy, to leverage Hudi Pharma oral solid dose's manufacturing expertise in the Pharma & Food Industry and take advantage of the digital innovation available to improve technical services. Efficient Capsule Filling Technology Hudi PharmaX is behind the success of the Dedalo Dx capsule filler: the most flexible, affordable and easy to use capsule filler for R&D, pilot and small batch production. Designed by a team of Italian Maestro led by formulation scientists in partnership with mechanical engineers. It represents the best of Italian design, engineering and quality. Formulation scientists and operators have been placed at the centre of the project, leading to the creation of a product that would facilitate the approach and experience of use as much as possible. A new type of equipment that could solve the endemic problems of small batch production: • API wastage; • Machine downtime; • Operational and maintenance complexity; • Scale up technical issues; OSD Flexibility and Accuracy at its best At Hudi PharmaX we strive for making flexible, top quality and affordable equipment. Dedalo DX capsule filler is the combination of all of them. This unique capsule filler machine can be equipped with the most popular powder dosing systems in the market: Tamping and Dosator. It comes with an in-line weight checker to guarantee filling accuracy and low API wastage. Dedalo Dx processes +21 filling combinations including powders, pellets, liquids, tablets, mini tablets and capsules (CIC) for R&D, Pilot and small batch production. These features make scale up operations easy, practical and time saving. Digital Service Platform: clients are never alone Digital innovation is the real game changer in technical assistance to make sure clients never feel left alone and helpless. At Hudi PharmaX we have developed a unique Digital Service Platform (DSP) to secure timely assistance introducing dedicated training and troubleshooting as well as the possi- bility to have a direct service thanks to our Virtual and Mixed reality system. No further matters where our clients are. Mixed reality is the driving force behind the success of our technical service team who can operate at any clients' request with short notice. Clients are Never Alone. Hudi PharmaX Piazza G. Grandi 19 Milan / Italy / 20129 +39 02.48.674.251

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