Tablets & Capsules


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Solid Dosage Sourcebook 2021 | 39 Natoli Engineering 28 Research Park Circle St. Charles, MO 63304 636-926-8900 Tablet Press Refurbishment: Natoli's tablet press refurbishing service is a cost- effective way to enhance the performance of older tablet presses to improve production and reduce tablet manufacturing costs. A Natoli AIM ™ control system tailored to a customer's specific requirements can be retrofitted to most presses under- going refurbishment. Technical Training: Natoli's experi- enced instructors provide technical training at our St. Charles, Missouri, headquarters, at regional Natoli technical centers, and on- site for customers around the world. Learn the latest tableting and encapsula- tion technologies while improving processes through hands-on training from world-renowned academic and industry experts. Scientific Consulting and Services: Natoli Scientific's research, analy- sis, and troubleshooting expertise provides proactive solutions for the most difficult tablet compression challenges. Services include formu- lation analysis and development, API characterization, compaction simu- lation, scalability solutions, tooling recommendations, technical training, and more. Technical Services • Tablet & Tooling Design • Tablet and Capsule Troubleshooting • Tablet Press Refurbishing • Technical Training • Metallurgical Analysis • Formulation Testing and Analysis • Scientific & On-site Consulting • Contract R&D Services Facilities Natoli headquarters in St. Charles, Missouri, include administrative, manufacturing, refurbishing, train- ing, and laboratory and scientific research facilities. Natoli's Tech- nical Centers, located in Long Island, New York; Southern Cali- fornia; and Szczecin, Poland, offer regional customer support with parts, accessories, tooling refur- bishing, maintenance, training, and more. Natoli Scientific's laboratory facility in Telford, Pennsylvania, provides formulation evaluation, training, and contract research and consulting services. The Natoli Institute for Industrial Pharmacy Research and Development at Long Island University performs formula- tion assessments and research into new formulation techniques and technologies.

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