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RW Hartnett 42 | Solid Dosage Sourcebook 2021 Corporate Description Founded in 1880, the R.W. Hartnett Company has proven itself to be the leader in innovative printing solutions. We are known for manufacturing state-of-the-art, easy-to-use printing machines to meet your exact speci- fications. Our printers are trusted by hundreds of companies worldwide, including some of the largest phar- maceutical names, as well as many smaller startups and growing compa- nies. Headquartered in Philadelphia, our machines are manufactured in-house to meet quality control and are thoroughly tested. Superior qual- ity is at the heart of everything we do, and we strive to produce top-of-the- line printers that will put your product in the hands of your clients and leave a lasting impression. Markets Served R.W. Hartnett Company provides printing machines for the phar- maceutical, nutraceutical, and confectionery industries around the globe. We first made a name for ourselves in 1945 when we created the world's first edible printer. Since then, we have been sought after and trusted by many large and small companies to consistently brand their products. Major Products Delta Machines Capable of rotogravure ink printing, laser writing or laser drilling. Product Lines: • Ink Printing: Single or two sided rotogravure ink printer. • Laser Writing: Laser etch a trade- mark, number, or logo onto a soft gelatin capsule or tablet con- taining Ti02. • Laser Drilling: Great option for osmotic-controlled release products. Production Rates: 50,000-70,000 pieces per hour. H-Track Machines Capable of rotogravure ink printing, laser writing or laser drilling. Product Lines: • Ink Printing: Single sided rotogra- vure ink printer. • Laser Writing: Laser etch a trade- mark, number or logo onto a single surface. • Capsule Ink Printing: Perfect machine to print on two-piece hard gelatin capsules. Production Rates: 120,000-180,000 pieces per hour Model IBM Combo Ink and Laser Machine The Model IBM Combo Ink and Laser Machine is our high-output, multi-lane ink or laser printer with vision inspection and has the ability to accommodate both rotogravure ink printing and laser. Production Rates: 350,000-400,000 pieces per hour RW Hartnett 215-969-9190 info@rwhartnettcom

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