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RIBUS 44 | Solid Dosage Sourcebook 2021 Corporate Description Founded in 1992 as a functional ingredient manufacturing company, RIBUS Inc. supplies natural and organic rice-based ingredients to companies around the world. As the "Original Clean Label Ingredi- ent Company ™ ", RIBUS produces non-GMO, natural, organic, vegan and gluten-free ingredients for the food, beverage, pet and dietary supplement sectors. RIBUS' patented technology and ingredients can help solve production issues while bring- ing innovation and clean labels to a wide variety of products. Regulations and global consumer demands have fueled actions resulting in manufac- turers reformulating or creating new clean label products. RIBUS headquarters are located in St. Louis, Missouri, with production in the USA and distribution chan- nels globally. Facilities are inspected annually by ISO/IEC 7025-accredited global organizations (Merieux Nutri- Scienced and NSF International), are GFSI certified, and strictly adhere to GMP, cGMP, HACCP and FSMA HARPC mandates. RIBUS is also a founding member of the Clean Label Alliance, which was developed out of the increas- ing demand from consumers for cleaner labels on dietary supple- ments. Savvy consumers have made the connection between food as nutrition and dietary supplements as nutrition, and desire the same label as they have for food with dietary supplements. Leaders within the dietary supplement industry joined forces to collectively serve produc- ers seeking to develop or transition to clean label by providing support and problem- solving solutions. The purpose of the Clean Label Alliance is to offer assistance and guidance to dietary supplement companies by providing top-of-the-line resources and solutions to efficiently produce clean label supplements. Markets Served • Dietary Supplements • Food + Beverage • Pet Health Areas of Excellence • Clean Label • Natural & Organic offerings • Non-GMO Project Verified • Gluten Free • Vegan • Kosher • Made in the USA Clean Label Portfolio • Nu-FLOW ® | anti-caking agent or flow aid • Nu-RICE ® | functions as a hydra- tion aid, filler, diluent and mild lubricant • Nu-MAG ® | provides lubrication in tablets and capsules • Nu-BIND ® | binder for direct compression and wet granulation • Nu-SORB ® Oil | offers superior oil retaining performance in high- oil systems • Nu-SORB ® Water | offers superior water retaining performance in high-moisture systems RIBUS 10900 Manchester Road, Suite 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 314-727-4287 Fax: 314-727-1199

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