34 July/August 2021 Tablets & Capsules
CPhI North America. July 26-August 6.
Virtual event. August 10-12 In-person
event in Philadelphia, PA. Con-
ducted by Informa (www.cphi.com/
northamerica, 415 947 6940).
Developing and Implementing a
Supplier Qualification Program for
Dietary Supplements. July 29. Online.
Conducted by EAS Consulting Group
(easconsultinggroup.com, 571 447
Tooling Maintenance Series-Lubricate
& Store. July 29. Online. Conducted
by I Holland (tablettingscience.com,
Herbal & Traditional Medicine. July
30. Online. Conducted by Con-
ferenceSeries (herbal-traditional.
conferenceseries.com, meevents@
Batch Production Records Instructor
Led Online Training. August 9. Online.
Conducted by NSF (www.nsf.org, 800
673 8010).
Basics of Tablet Manufacturing &
Troubleshooting. August 10-12 in St.
Charles, MO. Conducted by Natoli
Engineering (natoli.com/trainings/, 636
926 8900).
WestPack. August 10-12 in Anaheim,
CA. Conducted by Informa (www.west
packshow.com, 310 445 4273).
Cleaning Sanitation and Contamina-
tion Prevention - Equipment Cleaning.
August 12-13. Online. Conducted by
NSF (www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Vendor Qualification and Audit Train-
ing - Instructor Led Remote Training.
August 17-18. Online. Conducted by
NSF (www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Responsible Person and Good Dis-
tribution Practice (Cogent Gold
Standard Approved Training). August
17-20. Online. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
FSMA Supply Chain Programs for
Dietary Supplement. August 23.
Online. Conducted by NSF (www.
nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Tooling Maintenance Series-Manage-
ment & Training. August 26. Online.
Conducted by I Holland (tabletting
science.com, info@iholland.co.uk).
21 CFR 117 for the Dietary Sup-
plement Industry Online Training.
September 2. Online. Conducted by
NSF (www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Practical-QP Module. September 6-10
in Glasgow, UK. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Equipment, Facilities and Utilities
Qualification - Bitesize Course. Sep-
tember 8. Online. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Pharmaceutical Legislation Update
Subscription Service. September 10.
Online. Conducted by NSF (www.nsf.
org, 800 673 8010).
Foreign Supplier Verification Program.
September 13 & 15. Online. Conducted
by EAS Consulting Group (easconsult
inggroup.com, 571 447 5500).
Deviation & CAPA Management. Sep-
tember 14. Online. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Dietary Supplement Label Com-
pliance. September 14-15. Online.
Conducted by NSF (www.nsf.org, 800
673 8010).
IPEC-Americas September Committee
Meetings. September 14-16. Online.
Conducted by IPEC-Americas (www.
ipecamericas.org, 571 814 3449).
Cleaning Validation - Bitesize Course.
September 15. Online. Conducted by
NSF (www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
Reduce Human Error and Change
Quality Behaviours. September 15-16.
Online. Conducted by NSF (www.nsf.
org, 800 673 8010).
Pharmaceutical Formulations. Septem-
ber 15-16 in Rome, Italy. Conducted
by ConferenceSeries (formulation.phar-
maceuticalconferences.com, events@
FSMA Supply Chain Programs for
Dietary Supplement. September 16.
Online. Conducted by NSF (www.nsf.
org, 800 673 8010).
Introduction To Product Labeling for
Dietary Supplements. September 17.
Online. Conducted by NSF (www.nsf.
org, 800 673 8010).
Certified Investigator Training. Sep-
tember 20. Online. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
21 CFR 111 Dietary Supplement
GMP Overview Intro: 2 Part Instruc-
tor Led Remote Training. September
21-22. Online. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
SOCRA Annual Conference. Sep-
tember 22-25. Online. Conducted by
Society of Clinical Research Associates
(www.socra.org, 215 822 8644).
Excipient World Conference & Expo.
September 27-29 in National Harbor,
MD. Conducted by IPEC Americas
(excipientworld.org, 571 814 3449).
Healthcare Packaging Expo. Septem-
ber 27-29 in Las Vegas, NV. Conducted
by PMMI (www.hcpelasvegas.com, 571
612 3200).
Pack Expo Las Vegas. September 27-29
in Las Vegas, NV. Conducted by PMMI
(www.packexpolasvegas.com, 571 612
Dietary Supplement Good Manufac-
turing Practices (GMP) Compliance
Virtual Seminar. September 28 & 30,
October 5 & 7. Online. Conducted by
EAS Consulting Group (easconsulting
group.com, 571 447 5500).
Supplier Management. September
29-30. Online. Conducted by NSF
(www.nsf.org, 800 673 8010).
DFE Pharma partners on
multidisciplinary lactose-
based DPI study
GOCH, Germany—DFE Pharma
has partnered with Hosokawa Micron
and Harro Hoefliger to conduct a
multidisciplinary study that provides
practical insights into lactose-based DPI
formulations with and without magne-
sium stearate. The study tests various
magnesium stearate-coated lactose
formulations during the blending and