Redstone Federal Credit Union

Holiday 2021 Newsletter

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As we celebrate 70 years as a credit union, we also celebrate our unrivaled membership growth over the past few years. Redstone has exceeded 640,000 members with our adding 102,000 members during 2020 alone. ose numbers are impressive; however, what excites me more is when I hear our members say they feel as if they are part of our family – and not just a number. One of our early members, St. John Courtenay, Jr., is featured on page 12 of this magazine. Mr. Courtenay talks about joining Redstone after going to work for NASA, and 60-plus years later, he is still a member. I met Mr. Courtenay in Murfreesboro a few years ago when we opened our third branch there. I soon realized that we had a connection through his daughter, Anne Courtenay Davis. I knew Anne's father-in-law, Joe Davis, a former 20-year mayor of Huntsville. I was good friends with one of Mr. Davis' sons, and we would ride back and forth to college together. We had not seen each other in 40 years. is college friend is Anne's brother-in-law. I could not believe this! What a small world! ere is a dynamic at work that links us to others around the world. What an honor and privilege it is to be a part of it all. We are excited to celebrate Redstone's 70th birthday with wonderful members such as Mr. Courtenay. We want every member to feel a connection with THEIR credit union because we exist for THEM. In a cooperative like ours, every member matters! p. 6 | Resume Writing Trends p. 9 | Celebrate with Redstone p. 12 | Meet St. John Courtenay Send your comment s, suggestions or questions to: ASPIRE@REDFCU.ORG Editor: Patricia Dedrick Lloyd TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 | r e d f c u.o r g Must be eligible for membership and open a share savings account to obtain any product or service. A minimum balance of $5.00 is required to open share savings account and must be maintained in share savings account at all times. Fees and other restrictions may apply. RFCU © and its affiliates are committed to fair, equitable and nondiscriminatory practices. 9 6 from the CEO: Joseph H. Newberry

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