Redstone Federal Credit Union

Holiday 2021 Newsletter

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PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID IMAGEWORKS 53719 Attention: Marketing 220 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, AL 35893 Promotion available 9/1/2021 – 12/31/2021. Must be RFCU ® member in good standing as defined by RFCU Bylaws and must be referred by an existing RFCU member. The participant must not have had an RFCU checking account within the past 24 months. The participant must notify RFCU of the referral code at account opening. Business accounts are not eligible. The promotion consists of: $100 first RFCU checking bonus, $100 referral incentive. In order to receive the $100 checking bonus, within 30 days of account opening the participant must make at least five (5) point of sale (POS) purchase transactions with the debit card associated with the new checking account and set up and access Redstone's online banking at least one time. Limited to one checking bonus per participant and cannot be combined with any other checking offers. Promotion is limited to 5 checking incentives per referring member. Bonus and incentive will be deposited into the members' primary checking account within 90 days of account opening, but no later than 3/31/2022, if the promotion requirements are met. See website for full terms and conditions. $5 minimum balance is required to open and be maintained in share savings account at all times. $25 minimum opening deposit required to open checking account. Monthly maintenance fees apply to checking accounts. As of 8/1/2021, the share savings annual percentage yield (APY) is 0.10% APY. There is no minimum balance required to earn this APY. Age and other restrictions apply. Insured by NCUA. refer-a-friend AND score big Learn more at

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