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42 Pharmaceutical Technology REGULATORY SOURCEBOOK SEPTEMBER 2021 P h a r mTe c h . c o m Industry Perspectives P harmaceutical development, manufacturing, and quality efforts are often advanced by the work of industry associa- tions and members through conferences, training sessions, publications, and working groups. These efforts continued during the past 18 months, despite restrictions posed by the COVID- 19 pandemic. The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) and the International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council of the Americas (IPEC-Americas) shared recent activities and industry contributions with Pharmaceutical Technology. AAPS science-driven activities While the pandemic postponed many in-person meetings for phar- maceutical scientists, AAPS launched strategies to promote virtual discussion of scientific topics, supported pandemic research efforts through publications, and planned for in-person collaboration in 2022. AAPS Executive Director Tina S. Morris, PhD, provided an update on science-driven activities and organizational plans to Phar- maceutial Technology. PharmTech: What initiatives did AAPS develop in 2021? Morris (AAPS): AAPS continued to lead with science in 2021, and to pivot to additional tactics that bring scientists together to share their research and insight. The organization relaunched its National Biotechnology Conference (NBC) and will deliver PharmSci 360 in October in a hybrid format, which will allow scientists from around the world to engage online and in person. AAPS also continued Industry Organizations Assist Pharma During the Pandemic and Beyond The Editors of Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmaceutical Technology checked in with AAPS and IPEC-Americas to get an update on how the organizations are navigating the pandemic and planning for the future. LEOWOLFERT - STOCK.ADOBE.COM