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44 Pharmaceutical Technology REGULATORY SOURCEBOOK SEPTEMBER 2021 P h a r mTe c h . c o m Industry Perspectives to build its elearning program with weekly webi- nars, eChalk Talks, and virtual workshops, all of which added to a growing on-demand library of programs for members. PharmTech: How has COVID-19 impacted AAPS events? How has the organization worked to re- solve the impact? Morris (AAPS): AAPS' role in the pandemic has been to bring scientists together over meaning- ful content so they can continue to both develop responses to the pandemic and address the needs of patients suffering from the diseases that are not grabbing current headlines. During the past 18 months, the association invested in its bur- geoning online AAPS Communities; added a four-workshop series on COVID-19 to its sud- denly all-virtual events lineup; and continued to serve as a beacon for credible research through its journals. Going forward, AAPS has committed to further building its online presence through virtual events and other tools to support scientists around the world, even as NBC and PharmSci 360 resume meeting in person. PharmTech: What initiatives are planned for 2022? Morris (AAPS): AAPS will deliver a host of pro- grams both online and in-person in 2022—but the biggest changes the organization is making are internal. In response to its 2021–2026 Strategic Plan, AAPS has seated new volunteer committees that will address diversity and equity for mem- bers; sharpen the organization's scientific focus; and plan for the future with attention to global growth and members' professional and scientific development. After months of investigation and discussion, the committees will deliver highly an- ticipated reports to the Board of Directors in 2022 that will lead to new programs, targeted attention in key areas of science, and a more welcoming and inclusive organization. PharmTech: Does AAPS have any new publica- tions planned for 2022? Morris (AAPS): The pharmaceutical science com- munity can look forward to even more career- building content published in AAPS Newsmaga- zine throughout 2022 as it aligns with AAPS' new programming approach: the Four Seasons of Sci- ence. In the spring, the focus will be on biotech- nology and NBC; the summer will bring the Land O' Lakes Conferences and attention to bioanaly- sis and pharmaceutical analysis; the autumn will lead into the 2022 PharmSci 360 in Boston; and the winter will feature upcoming workshop top- ics and some of the year's most popular webinars and eChalk Talks. Increasing knowledge about excipients IPEC-Americas had a productive 2021, introduc- ing the year-round virtual technical/scientific platform, Excipient World Academy, which offers external webinar presentations and training. The organization also changed its eLearning program to accommodate more virtual learning. In addition to its educational programs, IPEC's Excipient Qualification Committee addressed re- sponsible sourcing in 2021 with the development of a fourth section to the IPEC Excipient Information "AAPS' role in the pandemic has been to bring scientists together over meaningful content ..." —Tina Morris, AAPS