ICT Today

ICT Today October/November/December 2021

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1414667

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66 I ICT TODAY experience confirms the following opportunities for an international marketplace of ICT designers and installers: • Although a PoE network may be isolated from a data center's corporate or utility networks, the solution is a good fit given the presence of existing cable trays, electrical spaces, and data rooms. PoE can be run alongside structured data cabling without interference or excessive heat generation. Because PoE is based on DC power, it does not generate the same electrical noise as some line voltage cables. There is no possi- bility for cable-to-cable crosstalk, which enables instal- lers to run PoE cabling right alongside data-only cables without issue. And, as long as PoE cable bundling standards are followed, there is no concern about excess heat generation within those bundles. The TIA standard TSB-184-A, Guidelines for Supporting Power Delivery Over Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling, provides guidelines for maximum cable bundle sizing. Each of the components is connected to an on-premise, cloud-connected management server. This enables both snapshot and historical data analytics so Codisa's facilities managers can understand the system's performance in both real-time and across self-selected timeframes (Figure 9). Outcomes reported by Codisa include both energy and cost savings, achieved through an improved quality of lighting, tunable white lighting controls, integration with occupancy sensors, and timing rules that minimize lighting in unused areas. The company is currently evalu- ating opportunities to hook additional systems into the IoT platform to centralize smart building controls and achieve the scalability they want from the system in its office environment, as well as Codisa's data center spaces. DATA CENTERS PRESENT IDEAL BREEDING GROUND FOR POE Across several data center implementations of 800,000 square feet (≈74,322 m 2 ) and growing, actual field FIGURE 9: Sample of a user interface display, providing visualization of energy consumption and savings from PoE solutions.

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