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36 Pharmaceutical Technology APIs, EXCIPIENTS, AND MANUFACTURING eBOOK 2021 P h a r mTe c h . c o m Manufacturing I n inhalation drug delivery, various milling and micronization processes have been used to manufacture particles for dry pow- der inhaler (DPI) and metered dose inhaler (MDI) drug–device combination products. The trend today, however, is an increas- ing use of engineered particles, such as those made by spray drying for DPI applications. Pharmaceutical Techology spoke with Carolyn Berg, vice-president, Inhalation and Carla Vozone, vice-president, In- halation Strategy, Innovation, and Partnerships, at Catalent; Robin Heath, head of new product innovation and commercial management, and Peter Hirst, commercial vice-president, at Recipharm; and Sandy Munro, senior vice-president, pharmaceutical development, at Vec- tura. These contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) experts shared their perspective on trends and consider- ations for choosing and designing a drug delivery device. Inhalation delivery trends PharmTech: What do you see as the key trends in manufacturing of inhalation drugs? Berg (Catalent): There is a trend toward spray drying and away from milling/micronization for a variety of reasons. These include a desire to overcome formulation challenges where high doses of drugs are needed, [where] the molecules are potent and, most importantly, to meet the target product profile of the products in development. Achieving an exact par- ticle size and characteristic that will translate into a clinical benefit is key. Inhaled particle engineering has paved the way for drugs to be devel- oped to tackle more complex diseases, such as lung cancers and infec- Considerations for DPIs and MDIs in Inhalation Drug Delivery Jennifer Markarian Experts share best practices in designing, manufacturing, and scaling up dry powder inhaler and metered dose inhaler drug–device combination products for inhalation drug delivery. BARMALINI - STOCK.ADOBE.COM