Redstone Federal Credit Union

Spring 2022 Newsletter

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PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID IMAGEWORKS 53719 Visit to learn more. Is your home ready for a refresh? Update it with a Home Equity Line of Credit. A Quick HELOC lets you enjoy a line of credit up to $ 50,000 from your home. Classic HELOC available for larger lines of credit. Attention: Marketing 220 Wynn Drive, Huntsville, AL 35893 HELOCs are only available for properties located in Alabama and Tennessee. You must be an RFCU ® member to obtain a HELOC loan. Must be eligible for membership and open a share savings account. A minimum balance of $5.00 is required to open and must be maintained in share savings account at all times. All HELOC loans are subject to credit approval. Rates are determined by an evaluation of applicant credit at account opening. Other restrictions may apply. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID IMAGE.WORKS 53717

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