BioPharm International - March 2022

BioPharm International March 2022

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Page 38 of 39 Quality and Regulatory Sourcebook eBook March 2022 BioPharm International 39 MOVING FORWARD WITH CM BioPharm: What types of regulatory guidance would be helpful in expand- ing use of CM? Ko k a i - K u n ( U S P ) : T h e d r a f t IC H g u i d e l i n e Q1 3 C o n t i n u o u s Manufacturing of Drug Substances and Drug Products published last summer is certainly a good start, but addi- tional guidance and regulatory strat- egies are needed to facilitate adoption of BCM. ICH Q12 currently provides a framework to facilitate the manage- ment of post-approval changes more predictably and eff iciently across the product l ifec ycle (2). Streaml ined regulator y pathways to allow adap- tation of approved batch processes into BCM processes resulting in a comparable product would also facil- itate adoption of this technology for existing products. BioPharm: What types of training are needed? Kokai-Kun (USP): W hile there is less d i rec t hu ma n involvement in BCM as compared with batch man- ufacturing, there is need for skilled w or k e r s w ho c a n d e v e l o p B C M processes, keep them running, and troubleshoot problems. In terms of process development, BCM brings toget her un ique sets of sk i l ls not norma l ly associated w ith biologics manufact uring, including soft ware development and data analytics. Just getting a diverse team of specialists to speak the same language and com- municate effectively within the team can be challenging. There are a lot more data management requirements in BCM, and integrating these into the developmental process and then implementing them in a current good manufacturing practice manufactur- ing facility can be challenging. BioPharm: What do you anticipate for the next steps at USP? Ko ka i - Ku n (USP): D e v e l o p i n g physical or performance standards for these technologies will require time; however, USP is actively working on guidance and documentary standards to assist industry, and several General Chapters are already available in the United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary. For example, USP recently publ ished for com ment prop osed chapter <1220> Analytical Procedure Life Cycle (3). The chapter demon- strates the suitability of an analytical method over a product's entire life- cycle, including development, valida- tion, and continuous verification and may be useful for adoption of new technologies. Besides standards, there is also a need for educational mate- rial for stakeholders to understand the benefits of these technologies and how to best implement and review their performance. REFERENCES 1. ICH, Continuous Manufacturing of Drug Substances and Drug Products Q13, Draft Version, Step 2 ( July 27, 2021). 2. ICH, Technical and Regulatory Considerations for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle Management Q12 (Nov. 20, 2019). 3. USP, Proposed Chapter <1220>, "Analytical Procedure Life Cycle," Pharmacopeial Forum 46 (5). BP Quality and Regulatory Sourcebook Compendial Compliance Avid Bioservices ...............................................19 Baxter BioPharma Solutions ...........................23 Entegris ................................................................3 Ad Index COMPANY PAGE "Streamlined regulatory pathways to allow adaptation of approved batch processes ... would facilitate adoption." —John Kokai-Kun, USP To learn more about continuous manufacturing, go to to read the following articles: • Moving Closer to End-to-End Continuous Bioprocessing end-continuous-bioprocessing • Perfusion Cell Culture is Gaining Ground Upstream ground-upstream • Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a Versatile PAT Tool for Continu- ous Downstream Bioprocessing satile-pat-tool-for-continuous-downstream-bioprocessing. More on continuous manufacturing

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