ICT Today

ICT Today April/May/June 2022

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1464345

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Page 67 of 68

68 I ICT TODAY AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES: Chris Kusel is the director of engi- neering for Hilti North America, a position he has held for nearly seven years of his nearly 22 years with the company, rising to his current position from a field engineer to a senior product mar- keting manager to division manager in Technical Services. Overall, Chris has been working in the construction products manufac- turing industry for 24 years, consulting with building owners, architects, and contractors regarding fire protection, anchoring, and modular support materials. He has spoken at national confer- ences and published multiple industry articles on construction topics, such as passive fire protection. Chris has B.S. degree in fire protection and safety engineering and is an NFPA certified fire protection specialist. He can be reached at chris.kusel@hilti.com. Paula Przybylski is a sustainability consultant at Stok in San Francisco, California. She manages projects involving carbon accounting, healthy materials, and green building certification. As a graduate from Waterloo University in Waterloo, ON, Canada with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in systems design engineering , she uses her background in systems engineering and sustainable design to implement innovative, high-impact sustain- ability strategies across global corporate real estate and data center portfolios. This includes assessing and reducing the environ- mental footprint of data center construction around the world through energy, water, and waste reduction. She can be reached at paula@stok.com. CLICK TO LEARN MORE THREE POWERFUL DATA CENTER RESOURCES REFERENCES: 1. "Building Design and Construction: Data Centers," U.S. Green Building Council, https://www.usgbc.org/ discoverleed/certification/bd-c-data-centers/ 2022. 2. "The Construction Material Pyramid," https://materialepyramiden.dk/, ©2022 CINARK/The Royal Danish Academy and Vandkunsten Architects. 3. "We're Fostering a Better Building Future by Addressing Embodied Carbon's Role in Climate Change," Building Transparency, https://www.buildingtransparency.org/ 2022. 4. Pac, Anthony. "Embodied Carbon: Key Considerations for Key Materials," Canadian Architect, 1 November 2020. 5. "Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Materials," United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 18 May 2021. 6. "HPD Public Repository," HPDC, https://www.hpd-collaborative.org/hpd-public-repository/ 2022 7. "Declare is a platform to share and find healthy building products." International Living Future Institute, https://living-future.org/declare/declare-about/ 2022 8. "Made for Tomorrow," Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, https://www.c2ccertified.org/ 2022 9. "Home Page," Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), https://fsc.org/en, 2022

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