Retail Observer

May 2022

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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When you want to think outside the box, sometimes you need to think inside the box. Since 1929, the dishwasher as we know it has featured a circular sprayer trying to clean the inside of a square box. Which means that the corners, and everything near them, never get a thorough, powerful cleaning. Until today. Introducing our brand-new line of dishwashers, featuring our unique CornerIntense ® spray arm. Instead of a spray arm rotating on a fixed axis, the CornerIntense ® spray arm rotates on a movable axis to completely cover every part of the dishwasher. And that's just one of the new innovative technologies you'll find in our new 2022 dishwasher lineup. Please visit us at for more information. The revolution in dishwashing has begun. Discover more Up to $100 Rebate * © 2022 Beko U.S.,Inc. * $100 rebate on 38 and 39 Series. $50 rebate on 36 Series. In stock now!

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