Retail Observer

May 2022

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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MAY 2022 RETAILOBSERVER.COM 9 BEST OVERALL K BIS 2022 kicked off in Orlando, FL, at the Rosen Centre with the Kitchen & Bath Design + Industry Awards, generously sponsored by Beko, Ferguson, Home Depot and 2020. During the event, the NKBA announced its 2022 Professional Design Competition winners. The design competition receives hundreds of entries each year, and winners are ultimately chosen based on factors like innovative design, presentation, superior function, creativity, safety and ergonomics and adherence to NKBA Planning Guidelines. This year's judges were: • Anne Marie Brunet, CMKBD, Principal of Sheridan Interiors • Katie Brockman, Founder and CEO of Katie Brockman & Co. • Nar Bustamante, Principal of Nar Design Group • Lori Carroll, Principal of Lori Carroll & Associates • Young Huh, Principal of Young Huh Interior Design and a former NKBA Board of Directors member • Peggy McGowan, CMKBD, Founder of Kitchen & Bath Concepts and a past NKBA National President • John Petrie, CMKBD, Principal of Mother Hubbard's Custom Cabinetry and a past NKBA National President • Natasha Selhi, Publisher of KBB, Atlanta, the official magazine of NKBA and KBIS • Carisha Swanson, Market Director for House Beautiful — P H O T O S A N D D E S I G N S T A T E M E N T S R E P R I N T E D C O U R T E S Y O F N K B A — part three: baths PART TH R E E: BATHS FIRST PLACE AND BEST OVERALL BATH SMALL CONTEMPORARY BATH Gina D'Amore Bauerle, Partner and Interior Designer D'Amore Interiors Photo: Tim Gormley

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