Cannabis Patient Care - August 2022

Cannabis Patient Care - August 2022

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cannabis patient care | vol. 3 no. 2 4 editorial advisory board members c a n n a b i s s c i e n c e a n d t e c h n o l o g y ® j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | v o l 3 • n o 2 Cannabis Patient Care ® 's Editorial Advisory Board is a group of distinguished individuals assembled to help the publication fulfill its editorial mission to educate the medical community on the viable treatment options patients are experiencing with cannabis and the on-going research into cannabis and cannabinoids world-wide. With recognized expertise ranging from medical research, advocacy work, and personal experience as patients, board members perform a range of functions, such as suggesting authors and topics for coverage and providing the editor with general direction and feedback. We are indebted to these individuals for their contributions to the publication and to the cannabis community as a whole. STANLEY ATKINS The Good Medic LLC ANN BRUM Joint Venture & Co JOSHUA CROSSNEY Cannabis Science Conference and MJH Life Sciences ME FUIMAONO -POE Family Nurse Practitioner at The Malie Cannabis Clinic The Queen's Medical Center DR . JEFF KONIN, Clinical Professor and the Director of the Doctor of Athletic Training Degree at Florida International University STEPHEN MANDILE Veteran & activist HEATHER MANUS, RN Cannabis Nurses Network DR . MARION MCNABB Cannabis Center of Excellence, Inc. PATRICIA A . PATTON Cannabis Business Alliance and Cannaboomer Strategic We support capacity building through collaboration and partnership; share knowlege of both the business and the science of the plant; amplify each other's possibilities for doing business su successfully; and seek to empower leaders whose focus includes eliminating health disparities. Cannabis Business Alliance is a community of entrepreneurs in the ancillary cannabis supply chain operating at the intersection of health and wellness. Learn more at

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