Cannabis Patient Care - August 2022

Cannabis Patient Care - August 2022

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Page 4 of 29 july/august 2022 | cannabis patient care 5 contents c a n n a b i s patient c a r e ® | j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 | v o l 3 • n o 2 DEPA RTMENTS 04 EDITORI A L A DV ISORY BOA RD 06 FROM THE EDITOR on the cover: goodmanphoto/ 12 ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 26 More than Skin Deep: How the Subconscious and Cannabis Help Go Beyond Traditional Understandings of Health and Healing ERIN MCE VOY D r. E li zab eth Hughe s e x plain s he r unique p e rs p ect ive s on health , the inf lue nce of the s ub con sc iou s , and incor p orat ing CBD oil a s p ar t of t reat me nt s . ■ RE SE A RCH FOCUS 08 Research Overview: Cannabis and Autoimmune Disorders RUTH FISHER, PhD In thi s ar t icle , Ruth F i she r, Ph D, pre se nt s some of the re search b e ing e x plored w ith cannabi s and autoimmune di sorde rs . ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 12 Cannabis for Autoimmune Disease: Benefits Beyond Symptom Relief? DR . DUS T IN SUL AK Here, Dr. Dustin Sulak shares how stress is a major factor in the development and progression of autoimmune diseases and how cannabis can be a great tool in alleviating symptoms. ■ PATIENT FOCUS 19 Patient and Activist Profile: Carla Basante WILLIAM DOLPHIN Carla B a sante di sc u s se s how she b egan u s ing cannabi s ab out 15 years ago to manage chronic p ain f rom a se ve re b ack injur y and s y mptom s of mult iple scle ros i s (MS). ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 21 The Knox Docs Story: A Family of Endocannabinologists DAVID HODES Dr. Janice Knox discusses how she took a deep dive into medical cannabis, the formation of the famous Knox family of endocannabinolog ists. ■ NUR SE FOCUS 24 The Latest News on Cannabis and Autoimmune Disease ELOISE THEISEN, NP, AGPCNP-BC Ev ide nce s ug ge st s that tet rahydro cannabinol (T HC), cannabidiol (CBD), and othe r cannabinoid s can b e b e ne f ic ial in the t reat me nt of many s y mptom s related to autoimmune di sea se s . Follow us on social media for more updates on the cannabis industry! ® 6b9d44 @CannaPatientCare @CannPatientCare @CannabisPatientCare @CannabisPatientCare 6b9d44

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