ICT Today

ICT Today October/November/December 2022

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1476549

Contents of this Issue


Page 15 of 59

16 I ICT TODAY Unexpected Challenges of Running Cloud-Native 5G Networks And how solving them opens the door to a better 5G experience. The fundamental challenges and opportunities of a 5G standalone (SA) network have been well documented. The transition to a cloud-native network, service-based architecture, massive scalability, and agility supported by automation, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming better understood. But as the saying goes—the devil is in the details. As communications service providers (CSPs) and mobile network operators (MNOs) build out these new 5G SA networks, they continue to uncover things that were not necessarily planned for or well understood. By Ken Gold

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