Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication September-October 2022

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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2 | September - October 2022 | www . M aintenance and Reliabilit y AS I SEE IT Jim Fitch | Noria Corporation Make Touchstones of Lubrication Excellence Shine Using our senses, we register facts and fine nuances that collectively help us arrive at opinions and conclusions on quality, function- ality, attractive- ness, comfort and value." A l mo s t s u b c on- sciously, our senses gather information on our surroundings. ey recognize subtleties, discern unique features and examine characteristic details. is could be a glass of Spanish red, a seat on a flight to London or a test drive of a Tesla Roadster. Using our senses, we register facts and find nuances that collectively help us arrive at opinions and conclusions on quality, functionality, attractive- ness, comfort and value. Perception is reality. Computers with deep-learning algorithms fed by innumerable sensors are used to collect and process data. Notwithstanding, they are no match for our senses and our brain. Artificial intel- ligence is better at augmenting our intelligence but not replacing the cognitive ability of our brain flanked by human senses. If you think I'm wrong, try having a conversation about your favorite sports team with Alexa or Siri. Or ask a simple question like, "Can a fish be taught to ride a bicycle?" This high level of human perceptiveness is applied to our work environment and mainte- nance culture. Let me give you an example. In criminology, there is a concept known as the broken windows theory. It states that "visible signs of crime, anti-so- cial behavior and civil disorder, such as broken windows in abandoned bu i ld i ng s cre ate a n urban environment that fosters further crime and disorder, including serious crimes." In other words, the perception of a neigh- borhood in decay bolsters criminal behavior. A not her e x a mple: let's take the workshop

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