September - October 2022
M aintenance and Reliabilit y
Jim Fitch
Noria Corporation
Make Touchstones of
Lubrication Excellence Shine
Using our senses,
we register facts
and fine nuances
that collectively
help us arrive
at opinions and
conclusions on
quality, function-
ality, attractive-
ness, comfort and
A l mo s t s u b c on-
sciously, our senses
gather information
on our surroundings.
ey recognize subtleties, discern
unique features and examine
characteristic details. is could
be a glass of Spanish red, a seat on
a flight to London or a test drive
of a Tesla Roadster. Using our
senses, we register facts and find
nuances that collectively help us
arrive at opinions and conclusions
on quality, functionality, attractive-
ness, comfort and value. Perception
is reality.
Computers with deep-learning
algorithms fed by innumerable
sensors are used to collect and
process data. Notwithstanding,
they are no match for our senses
and our brain. Artificial intel-
ligence is better at augmenting
our intelligence but not replacing
the cognitive ability of our brain
flanked by human senses. If you
think I'm wrong, try having a
conversation about your favorite
sports team with Alexa or Siri. Or
ask a simple question like, "Can a
fish be taught to ride a bicycle?"
This high level of human
perceptiveness is applied to our
work environment and mainte-
nance culture. Let me
give you an example. In
criminology, there is a
concept known as the
broken windows theory.
It states that "visible
signs of crime, anti-so-
cial behavior and civil
disorder, such as broken
windows in abandoned
bu i ld i ng s cre ate a n
urban environment that
fosters further crime and
disorder, including serious
crimes." In other words,
the perception of a neigh-
borhood in decay bolsters
criminal behavior.
A not her e x a mple:
let's take the workshop