BioPharm International - November 2022

BioPharm International - November 2022

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Page 10 of 36 Manufacturing and Facilities 2022 eBook BioPharm International ® 11 Automation requirements for tools, processes, and infrastruc- ture—including from those who will be using the technology daily. A change-management plan that minimizes em- ployee resistance should also prioritize employee t ra i n i ng. Creat i ng d ig ita l izat ion upsk i l l i ng ses- sions, communities of practice, and building digita- lization into employee development plans can help build confidence and reduce the an xiet y that can derail many transformation programs. C onsider work ing wi th ex perienc e d trans f orma tion par tner s . Becau se no t ra n sfor m at ion jou r ne y i s t he sa me, a nd m a nu f ac t u rers va r y so w idely i n bot h t hei r st r uc t ures a nd t he produc ts t hey cre- ate, t he risk of unexpected issues on t he route to Pha r ma 4.0 is h igh. T h is being t he case, seek ing out k nowledgeable par tners at the earliest stages of the Pharma 4.0 journey can be beneficial. Part- ners with a proven track record of transformation success can not only help reduce the frequency of unexpected challenges, but they also have the ex- pertise and network of resources to help companies resolve them as quickly as possible. And, that same exper tise and experience helps companies better anticipate f uture skills and technolog y needs, en- su r i ng adequate f lex ibi l it y ca n be bu i lt i nto t he first steps of the transformation. Perhaps most impor tantly, though, knowledge- a ble p a r t ne r s c a n he lp br e a k up t he d au n t i n g pharma 4.0 journey into increments, str ucturing a road m ap a rou nd ach ievable shor t-ter m goa l s. Proceeding in this way means companies won't be chasing moving targets, which can hamper prog- ress and waste resources. An innovation-fueled future T he ph a r m aceut ica l sec tor i s rapid ly ch a ng i ng, a nd m a nu f ac t u rer s f ace g row i ng dem a nd s a nd f ie rce comp e t it ion a s a r e s u lt . But Ph a r m a 4 .0 of fers a n at t rac t ive route t h roug h t h i s dy na m ic la ndscape, u n lock i ng u nprecedented ef f icienc y, cost-ef fectiveness, and product qualit y. To get the most out of t he transformationa l technologies of Pharma 4.0, though, organizations must put robust, f lexible informatics infrastructure at the heart of their transformation. With a clear understanding of t he r i sk s of fa i l i ng to ad apt, a robust cha nge management plan in place, and the right industr y expertise onboard to support, organizations will be best prepared to begin their journey toward digital maturity and Pharma 4.0. Reference 1. B. Ewenstein, W. Smith, and A. Sologar, "Changing Change Management," McKinsey, July 1, 2015. ■ CALL FOR PAPERS BioPharm International accepts four types of peer-review papers that are considered: standard data-driven, novel research; topical literature or patent review; technical case studies/technical application notes; and science-based opinion papers. Manuscripts for peer-review papers are accepted on an ongoing basis. Publication priority is given to papers in the order they are accepted for publication. Submitted papers are initially screened by the editors, then submitted for formal review by a member of the editorial advisory board, who will review the article for technical interest and content in a double-blind review process. Article acceptance is conditioned on the reviewer's approval. Once accepted for publication, a paper typically is published within three to five months. Peer-review papers are published in the print and digital editions of BioPharm International, and on Links to the online versions of peer-review papers also are featured in e-newsletters distributed to the publication's audience. To learn more about the peer-review submission process, click the Submission Guidelines link on C A L L FOR PAP ERS C A L L F O R P A P E R S CALL FOR PAPERS

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