Cannabis Patient Care - December 2022

Cannabis Patient Care- December 2022

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Page 4 of 38 november/december 2022 | cannabis patient care 5 contents c a n n a b i s patient c a r e ® | n o v e m b e r /d e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | v o l 3 • n o 4 on the cover: Kimberly Reinick / 26 ■ DOC TOR FOCUS 08 Cannabis for Anxiety and PTSD DUSTIN SUL AK , DO D r. D u st in Sulak di sc u s se s hi s clinical e x p e r ie nce w ith cannabi s a s a t reat me nt for an x iet y and P T SD a s well a s some of the clinical e v ide nce s ur rounding the e ndo cannabinoid s yste m . ■ NUR SE FOCUS 14 The Facts About PTSD and Cannabis K ATHERINE GOLDEN, RN Although in- de pth re search lags due to it s c ur re nt scheduling, T HC and CBD re main inc rea s ingly p opular t reat me nt opt ion s for those st r ug gling w ith the e f fect s of t rauma . ■ RE SE A RCH FOCUS 16 iCount for Veterans: A Research Platform to Connect Veterans with Cannabis Research Studies led by the Cannabis Center of Excellence, UMass Dartmouth, and Patriots Helping Vets DR. MARION MCNABB, JULIAN SALIM, DJ RIT TER, VANESSA JONES, TOM R AND, AND DR. STEVEN WHITE A veterans' research study to discover how medical cannabis is helping veterans in Massachusett s and nationally. Here, the authors provide an over view of the cur rent study and what the initial f indings reveal. ■ PATIENT FOCUS 26 A Hero's Journey: Fighting for Medical Cannabis as a Patient, a Veteran, and an Advocate ERIN MCE VOY Ste ve E llmore , founde r of T he Unpre sc r ib ed nonprof it , i s a 20 -year Air Force vete ran . He re , E llmore share s how hi s p e rsonal e x p e r ie nce led him to b ecome a medical cannabi s p at ie nt and how hi s award-w inning 2020 f ilm , Unpre sc r ib ed , do c ume nt s the stor ie s of vete ran s , cannabi s advo cac y, and the f ight to e nd vete ran s uic ide . ■ LEG ISL ATION FOCUS 31 Bipartisan Support Steps in to Help Veterans' Access to Medical Cannabis DAVID HODES For years, Congress and various veterans' advocates have been working to get Veterans Affairs to drop the obstacles blocking medical cannabis use for veterans. Now real progress is at hand and we speak with Congressman Earl Blumenauer on the work he's been doing as well as updates on the current state of legislation related to veteran access to medical cannabis. ■ A DVOC AC Y FOCUS 35 Americans for Safe Access' Declassified Guide to Becoming a Medical Cannabis Advocate MADELINE COLLI For more than 20 years , Ame r ican s for Safe Acce s s (ASA), the large st nat ional me mb e r-b a sed organi zat ion of p at ie nt s , medical profe s s ional s , sc ie nt i st s , and c it i ze n s , have b ee n advo cat ing for cannabi s to b e see n a s a for m of medic ine . He re , Ste ph She re r and D ebbie Churgai of ASA di sc u s s the imp or tance of medical cannabi s and how advo cac y w ill light the way for ward .

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